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现在这儿看起来要整洁多了。It looks much tidier now.

你本可以更加整齐一些。You could have been a little tidier.

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你本可以更加整齐一点儿。You could have been a little bit tidier.

它要比我们以前看到的更加整齐。It was tidier than I had ever seen it before.

她尝试过的锯屑,虽然比较整齐的多,但却不容易操作。The sawdust she tried, though much tidier , did not work much better.

搭配本配件能使工作环境更整洁。Using this assembly can let your working environment neater and tidier.

园厅的灯亮起来了,所以我们这一次有了一个更加整洁的环境。With the lights on in the Round Hall, we had a tidier circumstance this time.

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例如,我们的房间很少有比此刻更整洁的了。My apartment, for instance, has rarely looked tidier than it does at the moment.

深圳比中国大部分城市都要整洁,没有“清理”的深圳已经不像是“真实的中国了”。Shenzhen is tidier than most Chinese cities. Shenzhen without modification is already not the "real China."

根据维护街道整洁的最新提案,英国居民可能被迫要早上五点起床去倒垃圾。Residents could be forced to rise from bed and put out their bins at 5am under proposals to keep streets tidier.

其实和我们所见过的豪宅比起来,它不过是一栋小木屋,有点像我家的房子,但是更整齐些。It was only a small cottage, really compared to the other large grand houses that we've seen, a bit like ours but tidier.

为了让访问者参观,男孩子们的大寝室弄得很整洁。它要比我们以前看到的更加整洁。The large room where the boys slept was all shipshape and Bristol fashion for the visitors inspection. It was tidier than I had ever seen it before.

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问题不在于她的房子显得更加干净整洁了,而在于Phillips不知道这位神秘的清扫者到底是谁。The problem wasn't that her home smelled a little fresher or looked a little tidier. The problem was that Phillips had no idea who the mystery cleaner was.

处女座的人都非常无私,可以不惜一切的来帮助别人。他们通常比别人更加细腻,看上去更加整洁,身体更加健康,而且更加有耐心。Virgos are selfless people who will do anything to help anybody else. They are painstaking and neat, they are usually cleaner, healthier and tidier than the rest of us and they are patient.