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微创种植牙的概念?Concept of Minimally Invasive Dental Implant?

目前他的一般状态评分为1,并有轻度的肝功能异常。Now his PS is1 and he has minimally abnormal LFTs.

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我们自己生产服装,所以衣服的价格就被降到了最低程度。We manufactured them ourselves, so they were minimally priced.

这个潮流使得读写能力最低的美国人大量增加。This stream refreshes the pool of minimally literate Americans.

药物仅能轻微改善症状,如辉瑞的Aricept。Drugs, such as Pfizer's Aricept, improve symptoms only minimally.

本发明公开了一种形成最小间隔MRAM结构的方法。A method of forming minimally spaced MRAM structures is disclosed.

正如先前提到的,必须要使代码对已有系统影响最小。As mentioned earlier, you want your code to be minimally invasive.

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微创/腹腔镜手术的优点有The advantages of the minimally invasive or laparoscopic technique are

两极地区的臭氧恢复将受气候变化的影响最小。Ozone recovery at the poles will be minimally affected by climate change.

一些警察殴打示威者,并形成了微创有效的警戒线。Some police officers beat protesters, and formed minimally effective cordons.

我们现下有非侵略性的诊断和最低程度侵略性的成像引导的治疗。We now have non-invasive diagnosis and minimally invasive imaging-guided therapy.

该手术作为测试新型微创手术新方法研究的一部分。It was done as part of a study to test new methods of minimally invasive surgery.

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最低限度,您需要做些调查、培训,和工具配置。Minimally you will need to do some investigation, training, and tool configuration.

微创取骨器,属于医疗器械技术领域。A minimally invasive bone fetcher belongs to the technical field of medical appliance.

我们描述2微创技术用于办公室髂骨骨收获。We describe 2 minimally invasive techniques for in-office iliac crest bone harvesting.

目的探讨经皮肾穿刺输尿管镜取石术的有效配合及护理要点。Objective To study the nursing points of minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

其他人则因为他们连续第二年被评为“低效”而丢了饭碗。The others lost their jobs because they were rated "minimally effective" for a second year.

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可用于MR介入技术导引的臭氧髓核溶解治疗术适应证的选择。It can be used to indication selection for MR-guided minimally invasive oxygen-ozone therapy.

目的探讨无框架脑立体定向手术在微创神经外科的应用价值。Objective To evaluate the utility of frameless stereotaxy in minimally invasive neurosurgery.

机器人手术系统为微创肝切除提供新的技术选择。Robotic surgery offers a new technical option for minimally invasive major hepatic resections.