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每只驴子都爱听自己叫。Every ass loves to hear himself bray.

驴子向你嘶叫,你可别也向他嘶叫。If a donkey brays at you, don't bray at him.

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嘿.布雷.你这周六打算做什么?Hey, Bray. What are you going to do this Saturday?

在还没有把星星摇下来之前,驴子也许会嘶叫一阵。An ass may bray a good while before he shakes the stars down.

我站在悬崖边,跃身跳落。风嘶叫着,我却轻声哼唱。I standing on the cliff, spring to the air. I simply sing, on the top of the wind's bray.

渐渐地,老虎听惯了驴子的叫声,开始一点点地接近它。By and by, the tiger got used to the donkey's bray and began to get nearer and nearer to it.

星期五,布雷对特纳的一名律师进行了电话采访,但该律师并未直接答复。A lawyer for Turner didn’t immediately return a phone call seeking comment from Bray on Friday.

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济助令禁止全莉、博锐夫妇干涉瓦提兄弟的孟加拉虎野化项目。Quan and Bray were interdicted from interfering with the Vartys' Bengal tiger rehabilitation project.

你虽用杵,将愚妄人与打碎的麦子一同捣在臼中,他的愚妄还是离不了他。Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pestle, yet will not his foolishness depart from him.

这使我们意识到含糖量的快速增长,开始讨论关于果糖摄入量的上升问题。“It allowed us to see a rapid rise in its use and opened up the discussion about rising fructose intake, ” Dr. Bray said.

你尽可在臼中将愚人舂碎,但他的昏愚却永不能铲除。Though thou shouldst bray a fool in the mortar, as when a pestle striketh upon sodden barley, his folly would not be taken from him.

Bray指出,从大量普通砂糖和高果糖玉米糖浆吸取的果糖所具备的危害性是一样的。Dr. Bray notes that the fructose absorbed from large quantities of regular sugar and from high-fructose corn syrup is equally harmful.

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跟其他各种各样“占领”运动组织团体的抗议者一样,布雷也并不排除未来向政治发展的可能性。Like other protesters from various Occupy Wall Street organizing groups, Bray did not rule out political possibilities for the future.

该济助令也规定由一名临时管理人管理保护区总公司。瓦提兄弟和全莉、博锐夫妇均在该公司持有股份。It also ordered that a curator manage, in the interim, the sanctuary's mother company, in which both the Vartys and Quan and Bray hold shares.

利博维兹称,博锐和全莉已经终止了他们与瓦提兄弟的协议与合作,并将对禁令提出抗议。Leibowitz said Bray and Quan have terminated their agreement and association with the Vartys, and would contest the provisional restraining order.

如果有狗或狼走近羊群,马歇尔说,这头驴就会大叫、尥蹶子,如果需要的话最终会将进攻者“灭掉”。“And if a dog or coyote did approach the flock, Marshall said the donkey would bray loudly, stomp her feet and ultimately "eliminate him" if need be.

全莉和博锐指责瓦提兄弟挪用他们投资中的大笔款项,从此双方关系陷入僵局。Relations between the two parties turned sour after Quan and Bray accused the Varty of defrauding them of a substantial part of their invested millions.

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Bray说,老鼠在口味喜好与新陈代谢方面的区别使得摄食量、燃烧的卡路里量和体重变化很难评估。Dr. Bray said differences in the taste preferences of rats and in their metabolism make it tricky to evaluate food intake, calories burned and weight changes.

政府方食品理论家们也继续从他们的国家级消毒实验室里发出呼唤,查询出我们每天至少要吃到5份外皮污秽的食物。Yet government food eggheads continue to bray from their state-sterilised laboratories, demanding that we eat at least five portions of the crusty filth a day.

而这本书却在伦敦闪击战中被毁,于是布雷又花费了40年的时间完成了第三本书,在他死后把这本书捐献给了大英图书馆。The book was then destroyed in the London Blitz. It took Bray another 40 years to finish the next copy, which was donated to the British Library after his death.