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她是名查账员并为一名拍卖商工作。She was an auditor and worked for an auctioneer.

他试着把假的德加的画卖给拍卖人。He tried to pass off a false Dagas on the auctioneer.

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那位拍卖商是一位出生于亚拉巴马州的雄辩家。The auctioneer was a silver-tongued man from Alabama.

专业拍卖机构拍卖师报出的第一口价。The first bid from the auctioneer of professional auction agency.

拍卖人应当向竞买人说明拍卖标的的瑕疵。The auctioneer shall state the drawbacks of auction targets to the bidders.

指拍卖会上拍卖师落槌决定拍卖标的售予买受人。Means the auctioneer knockdown his hammer and decide the lot sold to a buyer.

当他付钱的时候,这个高价竟标人问拍卖人这只鹦鹉会不会说话?When he paid, the high bidder asked the auctioneer if the parrot could speak.

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拍卖成交的,还应当由买受人签名。The written auction record shall be signed by the auctioneer and the recorder.

拍卖师戴伦•朱利安称该手套为顶级收藏家物品。The glove was hailed as the ultimate collector's item by auctioneer Darren Julien.

刚开始的时候就是一个拍卖家在卖老歌剧院的各种物品。And it begins with an auctioneer selling various articles from the old opera house.

只有拍卖师才对所有艺术流派不存偏见,一概推崇。It is only an auctioneer who can equally and impartially admire all schools of Art.

只有拍卖人能公平和无私地赞美每一个艺术流派。It is only an auctioneer who can equally and impartially admire all schools of art.

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拍卖行称,尚不清楚这件花瓶是如何流落到伦敦的。The auctioneer said it was a mystery how the 16-inch high piece ended up in London.

在一个大型社区晚会上,你的拍卖者把他每项宝贝卖给出价最高的人。At a big community party your auctioneer sells every treasure to the highest bidder.

德国拍卖师赫伯特•魏德勒说,这三幅画分别卖给了三个不同的电话出价人。German auctioneer Herbert Weidler said the three paintings were sold to three different phone bidders.

这家全球最大的在线拍卖商在亚洲进行了一系列收购,此次收购韩国子公司将是它的最新一次行动。It would mark the latest in a string of acquisitions in Asia by the world's biggest online auctioneer.

第五十条拍卖标的无保留价的,拍卖师应当在拍卖前予以说明。Article 49. The auctioneer shall announce auction rules and matters needing attention before an auction.

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未作约定的,应当向拍卖人支付为拍卖支出的合理费用。In the absence of an agreement, he or she shall pay the auctioneer reasonable costs paid for an auction.

有时候拍卖师会限定最低报价增幅,从而使下一次竞价必须高于当前的最高价格。Sometimes the auctioneer sets a minimum amount by which the next bid must exceed the current highest bid.

这些泡沫迟早要破灭,”苏富比拍卖行负责中国当代艺术品拍卖的张晓明表示。And those bubbles will burst," said Zhang Xiaoming, head of Chinese contemporary art for auctioneer Sotheby's.