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这是一张课桌。This is a desk.

把它放在我的桌子上吧。Put it on my desk.

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我做的是案头工作。I work at the desk.

书桌摸起来很硬。The desk feels hard.

他站在桌旁。He stood by the desk.

我一直将它留在桌子上。I keep it on my desk.

我把它放在他的办公桌上了。I put it on his desk.

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课桌是我的舢板。The desk is my sampan.

他伏在桌子上。He stooped over a desk.

顺便说一下,我上周买了张新书桌。I a new desk last week.

他把它用胶粘到桌子上。He glued it to the desk.

把它放到书桌抽屉里去。Put it in a desk drawer.

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那张小办公桌上一无所有。The small desk was bare.

我们都住在桌子上。We all live on the desk.

那是老师的讲桌。It is the teacher's desk.

把书放在我的桌子里边。Leave my book in my desk.

把书放在桌子上。Put-the book on the desk.

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这是一张老师的讲桌。This is a teacher's desk.

你的桌号是多少?What number is your desk?

书桌整洁还是零乱?Is the desk messy or neat?