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一握杨柳细腰?A tiny waist?

一个小头往外窥视。A tiny head peeked out.

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一小交谘会及红隧也。A tiny tac and CHT also.

看这些小宝贝。Look at these tiny babys.

一只小狮子狗。A tiny, tiny little poodle.

但是泰尼是只很大的狗。But Tiny is a very big dog.

当然不能和现在NBA的球员比了That's tiny in the NBA now.

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泰尼可以再哪里洗澡呢?Where can Tiny take a bath?

今天很小的浪。Tiny waves today. Shin-high.

二夫人则神色微凛。Two madams then air tiny Lin.

让我们倒回去一点。Let’s go back just a tiny bit.

哦哦哦!看啊!小毛人!Ooooo! Look! A tiny fuzzy man!

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我今天觉得稍好一点儿。I feel a tiny bit better today.

这句话让我有一丁点儿不舒服。This made me a tiny bit uneasy.

听起来就像小电锯发出的声音。We sounded like tiny chainsaws.

它就像一个微小的数据中转驱动。It looks like a tiny jump drive.

然后有一只小蜂雀飞过。Then a tiny hummingbird flew by.

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泰尼很脏,需要洗澡。Tiny is dirty, and needs a bath.

她的面颊上有一颗小黑痣。She had a tiny mole on her cheek.

小草,你的步子很碎呃。TINY grass, your steps are small.