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试错是学习书法,成为一个出色的书法家的重要组成部分。Trial and error is a big part of learning calligraphy and becoming a good calligraphist.

他擅长书画,字写得峻拔挺秀,为我国著名的书法家,对后世的影响很大,有“书圣”的称号。He , as a famous calligraphist in our country has exerted tremendous influence on the later generations.

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在基本笔法齐备的条件下,书家可以自由取用,进行个性风格翻新。Given the condition that basic writing way is ready, the calligraphist can use freely, carry on the creation.

通过不断学习用户的反馈信息,建立书法字之间的相似度关系。Through continually learning of users feedback, we establish the similarity relation between calligraphy works and calligraphist.

著名书法家苏适老先生为他赐墨题为“京东葡萄农”。The famous calligraphist old Mr. Su Shi grants the black question in order that " the east grape in Beijing is agricultural " for him.

一个书家如果没有思想,那最多不过是个书匠,只能是被历史的足迹所掩盖、消磨。A calligraphist if does not have the thought, that most are merely the handwriting artisan, only can be covered by the historical trail wears down.

宋曹作为清初书坛享有盛誉的遗民书家代表之一,却一直未见深入研究。Less in-depth study was found about Song Cao, a famous calligraphist with high reputation in this area and one of the representatives of this Group.

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有时这心力之流如若干涸,或精神如若颓唐时,即是最高手的书画家也会缺乏精神和活泼的。Sometimes when this flow of energy runs dry or one's spirits are low, even the writing of the best calligraphist or writer lacks spirit or vitality.

书法作品是书法家的精神产物,但书法家的情感与作品所表现的情感没有直接的关系。The calligraphy work is the spirit outcome of the calligraphist , but of the emotion that the emotion and works of the calligraphist express have no direct relation.

为了纪念这位伟大的书法家、文学家、爱国学者修建了这个宋曹纪念馆,陈列了中国现代、当代书法家的作品和宋曹的传世作品。In order to memory this famous calligraphist , writer and patriotic scholar, we built the Song Cao's Former Residence to display works by contemporary calligraphists and extant ones by Song Cao.

显然大家尚未从其中学到末牷C就我所知,这一波国际竞图中,多数的工作现在都处于停缮L法进行下去或走味了。Obviously we have not learned from one end of Quan C far as I know, this wave of international competition, the majority of work has now stopped calligraphist L are in France go on, or stale of.