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只有一些失败国家是美国安全的威胁。Only some of them.It has been a truism of U.

众所周知,简洁和可读性都好。It is a truism that both brevity and readability are good.

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而且多余出来的钱总是使生活更轻松,这是一个永恒的真理。And it’s been a truism for eons that extra cash always makes life a little easier.

我很有自知之明地知道,男性都善于音乐,因为他们喜欢音乐多余演讲。It is a very true truism that men are good at music because they prefer it to speech.

然而,问题依然存在,我们应该如何应对这个被海德尔称为“显而易见的真理”的现象。The question remains, however, about what to do with what Heidel calls an “obvious truism.

然而,问题依然存在,我们应该如何应对这个被海德尔称为“显而易见的真理”的现象。The question remains, however, about what to do with what Heidel calls an "obvious truism."

人们加入公司,最后却因为种种原因炒了老板鱿鱼——这种事情再平常不过了。We've yet to meet anyone who disagrees with the truism that people join companies but quit bosses.

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当然,公认只不过是半个真理而已,它仅仅是帮助足球变得更有吸引力。Of course, a truism can be a half-truth, and attractiveness is only part of what makes football compelling.

在一夫多妻婚姻里,这个观念并不具有完全的真实性,同时也是对一夫一妻制的一种批判。This is not a complete truism in a polygynous marriage, and is a criticism of monogamous marriages as well.

长期以来一个有关宪法第四修正案不争的事实是,所谓“对隐私权的合理期望”这一测试点总是走成一个循环往复的怪圈。It’s long been a truism of Fourth Amendment law that the “reasonable expectation of privacy” test is circular.

中巴友谊高过喜马拉雅的最高峰,已是尽人皆知的事实,毫无夸张。That the Pakistan-China friendship is higher than the peaks of Himalayas is now a truism without exaggeration.

现实生活中经常需要处理异种数据结构的映射问题,我们为此需要寻求更为有效的数据表达工具。It is a truism of computing that to map between dissimilar data structures, a more powerful data representation is needed.

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人因生命不值一活而自戕,这当然是事实,但是不过是个徒然的空论,因为它不言自明,没有新意。One kills oneself because life is not worth living, that is certainly a truth yet an unfruitful one because it is a truism.

以色列那没有经验的新总理胡德?奥尔默特即将发现那古老的命题,发动战争比结束要容易。Ehud Olmert, Israel's inexperienced new prime minister, is discovering the old truism that wars are easier to begin than to end.

我国现行基础教育课程体系忽视了人的主体性与生命活力的弘扬,在价值取向上一定程度体现出“人”本体被遗忘的特征。The ignorance of the vivaciousness of students in the current Chinese basic curriculum has factually defied the value of truism.

科学家们对火星表面的了解甚于他们对地球表面的了解,这句话听上去难免觉得有些老套,但也是事实。It is a truism that scientists know more about the surface of Mars than they do about the surface of the Earth, but it is also true.

并且对于家庭价值作为真实性而信任,认为它和日出一样的可靠,这份信任是经济灾难性崩溃的主要贡献者。And trust in rising home value as a truism as reliable as a sunrise was a major contributor to the catastrophic collapse of the economy.

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当亚里士多德说,人类天生是政治动物,他的主张,不只是老生常谈,或是陈腔滥调。When Aristotle says that man is a political animal by nature, he is doing more than simply asserting just a truism or just some platitude.

新的媒介不会将被其风头盖过的旧有媒介置于死地,这是一条真理——尽管有了电影、电视和互联网,我们仍在使用收音机。It's a truism that no new medium kills the one that it eclipses — we still have radio, which pre-dates the internet, television and movies.

但为购买产品的用户简化了购买过程即意味着要有其他人为这部分无形的价格买账,世上没有免费的午餐,这是一个不言而喻的道理。But making things simple for the user of a product means that someone else must pay the ethereal price for the truism that there is no free lunch.