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这是逃避现实的疗法。This is an escapist therapy.

逃避现实的倾向会导致过分放纵。Escapist tendencies may lead to overindulgence.

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在这篇文章中,我将向你揭示作为逃避现实者的9个征兆。In this article, I will identify 9 signs of being an escapist.

其中的三个故事基本反映了我个人对超脱现实的幻想的思考。The three stories sort of mirror my own thinking about escapist fantasy.

我一般只把电影看作是逃避现实的娱乐消遣而非科学纪录片。I generally view films as escapist entertainment and not scientific documentary.

在某些航线上,真正想逃避现实的人,可以看看免费电影,喝喝香槟。The real escapist can watch a free film show and sip champagne on some services.

但是有个事实也不容忽视,大部分在艰难时刻下取得成功的艺术作品都似乎是逃避者。Yet it is a fact that the art forms that thrive most in hard times tend to be escapist.

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因此,前两个故事讲的是超脱现实的幻想如何能使你远离现实生活。So the first two stories talk about how escapist fantasy can pull you away from real life.

虚幻的大制作及少触及真实世界,更别提美国社会了。This escapist pelf has very little to say about the real world, much less American society.

谁可以争吵中有这么一个出色的套件,一个大规模的市场营销工具逃避现实的娱乐?Who can quarrel with a medium that so brilliantly packages escapist entertainment as a mass-marketing tool?

如此出色地把使人忘却现实的娱乐作为大规模推销工具加以包装,谁又能反对这样一种宣传媒介呢?Who can quarrel with a medium that so brilliantly packages escapist entertainment as a mass-marketing tool?

他们还充满创造力,但有时会表现出逃避现实或不切实际的一面。They also tend to have a creative streak but sometimes they display an escapist attitude and impractical nature.

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除了少数政府资助的政治性影片以外,大范围放映的几乎全都是娱乐片。Except for a few government-subsidized political films, almost all productions widely shown in China are escapist.

我想,作为一个电脑怪客并深深介入怪客文化,我必然沉湎在超脱现实的幻想中。I think being a geek and being really involved in geeky culture, escapist fantasy is something I definitely indulge in.

“知足者常乐”,这是一种回避现实、激流勇退的消极心理。"Happy is he who is always contented. " It may refer to an escapist mentality of persuading oneself to halt at limited gains.

2007年,教育部门开始将鲁迅的文章从学校课本里撤除,代之以武侠小说之类脱离现实甚至逃避现实的作品。In 2007, the beginnings of a Lu Xun withdrawal from Chinese school textbooks began, partly to make way for escapist kung fu texts.

智能手机也在人们的购买之列,它同样可以提供视频游戏和其他一些用于逃避现实的娱乐项目,比如播客和电视节目。Smart phones, another way to use videogames and other forms of escapist entertainment--like podcasts and television shows--are also in demand.

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被称做霍迪尼。希德的阿尔弗雷德。乔治。希德很早就有了越狱的经历,从少管所逃了出来。Alfred George Hinds, who became known as "Houdini" Hinds, started his escapist career early, fleeing from an institution for teenage delinquents.

这不禁使我开始思考超脱现实的幻想在现代生活中可能发挥的作用,即它可能使我们被日常生活所掩盖的自我特性得到展现。So that got me to thinking maybe escapist fantasy has a role in modern life of bringing out aspects of ourselves that may be obscured by everyday life.

不同于罗森博格在他父亲影院中看过的那些逃避现实的影片,这些颗粒状的黑白图像可是直击人心、没有剧本的叙事。Unlike the escapist movies that Rosenberg had seen at his father’s cinemas, the grainy black-and-white images had the blunt force of unscripted narrative.