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简.德贝勒维尔是个法国贵妇。Jane de Belleville was a French noblewoman.

本人拥有子爵权利的女子爵。A noblewoman holding the rank of viscount in her own right.

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在她母亲葬礼之后,一位贵妇人看到凯伦跟着她。A noblewoman saw Karen following after her mother's funeral service.

现在贵妇人的眼神已经不怎么好了,所以她不知道这双鞋子是红色的。The noblewoman had bad sight now, so she did not know that they were red.

法国贵妇人。她是路易十四的情妇,为他生了四个孩子。French noblewoman. The lover of Louis XIV, she had four children with him.

戴安娜.普瓦捷是个女贵族,和法王亨利二世相恋,因此知名。Diane de Poitiers was a noblewoman noted for her love affair with Henry II of France.

最终铸成的剑长差不多有一个人高,而且像贵族女人的舌尖一样锋利。The resulting blade was as long as a man . tall, and sharp as the tongue of any noblewoman.

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最终铸成的剑长差不多有一个人高,而且像贵族女人的舌尖一样锋利。The resulting blade was as long as a man is tall, and sharp as the tongue of any noblewoman.

贵妇人把凯伦带到鞋店去给她买仪式上穿的新衣服和鞋子。The noblewoman brought Karen to a shoe store to buy her new dresses and shoes for the ceremony.

这个传说是在一位叫歌蒂芙的贵妇人死后才出现的,据说这位夫人就是歌蒂瓦夫人的原型。The legend only came about 200 years after the death of Godifu, a noblewoman who is believed to be the inspiration for Lady Godiva.

然而,贵妇人把她那双脏的红鞋子烧了,给她穿新衣服,供她读书,还教她做女红。However, the noblewoman burned her dirty red shoes, put fresh new clothes on her, let her read books and taught her how to do needlework.

它甚至问了一个来访问的陌生女人“你能摇尾巴么?”He was said to have speculated about religion, learnt foreign languages, wrote poetry and asked a visiting noblewoman 'could you wag your tail?'

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设计理念源自古代贵妇人的头罩,帘头的花边、灰绿的主布、杏黄的纱布,天衣无缝地相互配合,让空间充满异国情调。Originating from the hood of ancient noblewoman , the shade lancing, grey-green cloth and yellow gauze will obtain a harmonious assortment of exotic sensation.

在此期间,博杜安的第一任妻子歌德希尔德在十字军第一次东征时去世,博杜安迎娶了一位亚美尼亚贵族女子阿尔达。Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, after the death of Baldwin's first wife Godehilde during the First Crusade, Baldwin married an Armenian noblewoman traditionally known as Arda.