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我来把菜切完。I’ll finish the chopping.

人们用我来切菜。People use me for chopping.

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就这样我们持续的把列表划分开。And I keep chopping it down.

这案板糟了。The chopping board is rotten.

他一贯变化无常。He's always chopping and changing.

阿丹切菜的速度很快。Dan is quick at chopping vegetables.

使用木制或竹制的砧板Use a wooden or bamboo chopping board

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她切菜时切到了手指。She cut her finger chopping vegetables.

人们都砍树,移除山!People are chopping down trees and moutains!

削球稳且反攻凶狠。Chopping stability and vicious counterattack.

我比较喜欢的是竹制的砧板。My preferred option is a bamboo chopping board.

因此教育成了砧板上的鱼肉任人宰割。As a result, education is on the chopping block.

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对租用斩波棉花近怀特普莱恩斯土地。Chopping cotton on rented land near White Plains.

洗涤槽、案板搁置生食后。Sink, chopping board set aside after the raw food.

好好练练切块和切丁的技巧或者找个工具Practice your chopping &dicing skills or find tools

不使用同一块案板或同一把刀。Do not use the same chopping board or the same knife.

若是蜀国一统天下了,斩与不斩就都是对的了。If Shu rule all the land, chopping and not cut is right.

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但他的削球同其他选手的削球有很大的不同。But this chopping is quite different from other choppers.

当你在切沙拉时把它放到厨房的桌子上。Park it on the kitchen table while you’re chopping salad.

他将木头砍成小而短的木片,作为烧火之用。He was chopping wood into small, short pieces for burning.