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你可能感觉恶心反胃。You might feel queasy or nauseous.

即使饥肠辘辘的坐在桌子前,不一会儿恶心感就会冲上来。Even if I sat down at the table hungry, I soon felt queasy.

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这样做会不会小题大做,让你感觉有点儿别扭?Does that strike you as nannyish and make you a little queasy?

这个烟雾腾腾的小房间不住摇晃,使娜塔丽要想呕吐。The swaying of the smoky little room was making Natalie queasy.

对于这个列表我的第一反应就是有点乱。My immediate reaction to this list is that it makes me slightly queasy.

但扎特莱尔斯政党中的自由意志者会感到反胃。But liberal-minded figures in the Zatlers party will be queasy about that.

某些特定的味道和食物会引发肚子里任何没有消化的全部呕吐出来。smells and foods can trigger anything from a queasy tummy to an all-out barf-fest.

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当医生我感到不自在,觉得没有吸引力,也不感到特别刺激。I got queasy , found it unappetising and didn't find it stimulating particularly either.

当我放开胖小子,走到他脑袋前的时候,我感到一阵恶心。My stomach grew queasy as I let go of my hold on the kid and stepped up next to his head.

如果还是感到恶心,就泡点我放在厨房的薄荷茶喝。If that queasy feeling keeps bothering you, brew some of that mint tea I left in the kitchen.

如其所言,肿瘤学中不变的事实之一,是“在失败和希望之间恶心地转圈”。One of the constants in oncology, as he says, is “the queasy pivoting between defeatism and hope.”

妈妈,那个没嘴却会说话的土豆又来了。不停的文字游戏烦死我了。Mom, there's that talking potato with no mouth again. This incessant word play is making me queasy.

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但是其股价如此低靡,也同样可以解释为什麽人们厌恶于长期持有房利美的股票。But the Lilliputian price also explains why Fannie Mae might have buy-and-hold types feeling queasy.

兽医皮尔森医生说,“我第一次把兔子头送进绞肉机时”,觉得毛骨悚然。Pierson, the veterinarian, says she felt queasy 'the first time I sent a rabbit head through the grinder.

消化问题。你可能感觉恶心反胃。也可能患上腹泻或者慢性便秘。Digestive problems. You might feel queasy or nauseous. You might have diarrhea or become chronically constipated.

有一名工人很危险地靠在屋顶边缘操作切割机,我看了很不舒服。The sight of one of them leaning precariously over the building's roof edge while using a stone-cutting machine made me feel queasy.

在物理学的发展历程中,许多业已接受的观点被证明是错误的,物理学家也渐渐从中学会了以批判和谨慎的态度看待自己的模型。So many accepted ideas have been proven wrong in the history of physics that physicists have grown to be critical and queasy about their own models.

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60年代以来,暴发户和贫困户之间的矛盾加大,学潮频繁,社会不断动荡。Since 60 time, upstart is mixed the contradiction between poverty door is increased, campus upheaval is frequent, the society is ceaseless and queasy.

而大规模的城邦战争更是随时可能爆发,让整个游戏通过动荡和胶着达到游戏乐趣和商业价值的最高平衡。And large-scale city-state war may erupt at any time more, let whole game pass queasy and ankylose the highest balance that achieves game fun and commercial value.

在这个长达一小时的过程中,他们将为70岁过世的公公沐浴、穿衣,然后放入棺木中,还不断要求我们这些亲属和他们一起做这做那,以致让我感觉有点不舒服。The hour-long event, during which my 70-year-old father-in-law was cleansed, clothed and placed in the coffin, called for so much audience participation that I was queasy.