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糟糕的拼写也是一个信号。Bad spelling is also a giveaway.

是美国在线安全工具条。ZoneAlarm Security Toolbar at Giveaway.

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更为糟糕的是,他并未阐明如何实施这项新的减税政策。Worse yet, he hasn’t detailed how he would pay for this new giveaway.

显然,文图拉那不寻常的铲子形手准确地泄了密。Apparently the unusual, spade-like shape of Ventura's hands was a dead giveaway.

另外,项目推广人也会帮助我们把这些信息传播到世界各地。Plus, Giveaway Tickers will also help us spread the information around the world.

在赠品方面,它就像一个拳击迈尔70日每美分把一切出售位。On the giveaway front, it's a bit like a Myer Boxing Day 70-per-cent-off-everything sale.

对于防扒协会来说,最让其头疼的莫过于一个普通的购物者实际上是个扒手,这点可能大家有所不知。Do you know what LP pros regard as a dead giveaway that a shopper is actually a shoplifter?

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正如电话账单一样,购买珠宝或其他礼物的大额支出或账单会彻底泄露秘密。As with phone bills,major expenses or bills for jewelry and other gifts are a dead giveaway.

其漏洞在于,在配额交易的保守派反对者的强烈反对呼声中,带有不怀好意之嫌。The giveaway is the strong tendency of conservative opponents of cap and trade to argue in bad faith.

第一项骇人之处,就是免费碳权,这就是为什麽有些人称这个制度为「总量管制和赠送制度」。Devil number one is known as Free Permits, which is why some people call this system Cap and Giveaway.

他们感觉里根及SAG董事会的人“骗”了他们,并且嘲笑这次妥协是一次“廉价大放松。”They felt Reagan and the SAG board had "screwed" them and derided the compromise as "the great giveaway.

带有“美国感化院”或者“惩戒中心”等字样的回信地址会彻底出卖寄信人的身份。A return address with words like "United States Penitentiary" or "correctional center" is a dead giveaway.

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带有“美国感化院”或者“惩戒中心”等字样的回信地址会彻底出卖寄信人的身份。A return address with words like “United States Penitentiary” or “correctional center” is a dead giveaway.

一个异常的系统调用序列就是一个程序有漏洞或受到攻击的确凿证据。An aberrant system call sequence would be a dead giveaway that the program has a bug or is being attacked.

更多的人更名换姓,改变服饰以及其他能够暴露自己祖先的特征以求自保。Many more changed their names, clothing and other giveaway features of their ancestry to escape persecution.

加拿大蒙特利尔银行的巴赫曼说,随赠手机胶套后,每股会降价不到2美分,“金融影响不大”。BMO's Bachman said the Bumper giveaway would have “a very small financial impact” of less than 2 cents a share.

加拿大蒙特利尔银行的巴赫曼说,随赠手机胶套后,每股会降价不到2美分,“金融影响不大”。BMO’s Bachman said the Bumper giveaway would have “a very small financial impact” of less than 2 cents a share.

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现在正是赠送MacBook或iPad给国内的未来人才和客户的大好时机。Now would be a good time for a big national giveaway on MacBooks or iPads for future geniuses—and future customers.

尽管外表毫不起眼,周末夜里,年轻男子组成长长的、排队等待进入的人龙却泄漏了秘密。Despite its unassuming exterior, the long lines of young men waiting for entry on most weekend nights are a giveaway.

事实上,人民党对辛格对巴让步表现出敌意,主要是为了在这次令他们失望的大选后重振士气。Indeed, much of the BJP’s rancour over his alleged giveaway was a bid to rally itself after a disappointing election.