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图标包装机是一个伟大的软件更改图标。Icon Packager is a great software to change icons.

介绍了一种新型全自动包装机的设计。The paper introduces a new design for full-automatic packager.

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介绍了一种新型全自动挂面包装机。A new automatic packager of noodles is introduced in this paper.

国内中速度热收缩膜包装机领域的最佳首选机型。The ideal model of middle-speed heat-shrinking packager in the domestic market.

介绍了一种小型全自动包装机的电气控制电路设计。The paper introduces electric control design for miniature full automatic packager.

包装的高手在于不留痕迹,外在的一切应与自身浑然一体A master packager knows how to integrate art and nature without any traces of embellishment

其次,封装者应当对每一个资产中的单个工件的周期进行评估。Second, the packager should evaluate the lifecycle of each of the asset's individual artifacts.

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基于数理统计的方法,提出了一种包装机准确度评定方法。An evaluation method for accuracy of cement packager was presented based on mathematical statistics.

没有道歉的主体是为了不过,因为每个包装应决定根据他或她自己的标准。No apologies for subjectivity are in order, though, because each packager should decide based on his or her own criteria.

DXD型系列立式包装机,HSP型系列透明膜三维包装机,GZB型系列枕式包装机。DXD Model Vertical Automatic Packager Series, HSP Model Transparent Film 3D Packaging Machine, GZB Pillow Model Automatic Packager Series.

介绍PVC糊树脂阀口自动包装机国产化过程中遇到的问题以及解决方法。This article introduced that we confronted many problems when home-making automatic valve port packager for PVC paste resin and how to solve them.

但是,为了使加热成型充填封口的投资回报为目的的过程中,包装需求产生充足的数量来抵消资本成本。But to make thermoform -fill-seal an investment that pays off for both ends of the process, the packager needs to produce adequate volume to counteract capital costs.

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这两种热和冷成形的金属箔经常做这一新的高度通用泡罩包装线,包装机合同布雷肯制药在威尔士。Both thermoforming and cold- forming of foil are routinely done on this new and highly versatile blister -pack line at contract packager Brecon Pharmaceuticals in Wales.

每个独立的作品保留它自己的版权和许可,而合成作品本身一般是在打包者选择的单独许可下作为整体发布的。Each independent work retains its own copyright and license, and the collective work itself is typically distributed as a whole under a separate license chosen by the packager.