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不过,此一时彼一时。However, this is momentary that momentary.

他活在随时都有可能死亡的预料中事。He lived in momentary expectation of death.

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他因一念之差而蒙受屈辱。He's held up humiliation by a momentary slip.

通过氮气进行降温的瞬间。Momentary foot cooling with the help of nitrogen.

他们只是你通往成功路上的暂时的休止符。They are momentary pauses on the path to success!

我们无时无刻不在盼望你的到来。We are in momentary expectation of the arrival of you.

行驶时时速计上的读数。A speedometer reading for the momentary rate of travel.

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暗室瞬间启动,暗盒内瞬间启动。Darkroom momentary boot, Windows inside momentary boot.

它暂时的利益是,它已经重新找到它的光泽。Its momentary benefit is that it has refound its gloss.

混乱随之而起,和平变成了仅仅是一个短暂的恩福。Chaos has ensued and peace has only been a momentary blessing.

不逞一时之快,只求一路平安。Don't indulge in momentary pleasure but beg a pleasant journey.

统治者一看见纪念碑就因为瞬间的激动而大叫起来。The moment the ruler saw it, he cried with momentary excitement.

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叶芝描述的是种侥幸得到的,感人的短暂的体验。It's a serendipitous and moving, momentary experience Yeats describes.

容易达到的东西会带给我们瞬间迸发的快乐。Things that are easy to process give us a momentary burst of pleasure.

甚至是短暂的电话摘机状况将引起一次占线。Even a momentary off-hook condition of a telephone may cause a seizure.

“我们是如此的忙于追逐一个又一个事情而无暇让这开始,”比斯沃斯-迪纳说,“花点时间停下并集中精力将有助于沉淀即刻的欢愉。”"Taking the time to stop and focus will help momentary pleasures sink in.

堆积的思念涌上心口,一时之间竟哽咽了喉。Accumulation thoughts into words, momentary unexpectedly sighed the throat.

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正当他们犹豫的时候,起义者又有时间去重新装上子弹。This momentary hesitation gave the insurgents time to re-load their weapons.

“公子,你醒了?”秋水也第一时间发现了他的醒来。"Childe, are you awake?"Also autumn waters momentary discovered his to wake up.

转换开关是系统模块上使用拴锁逻辑的一个瞬时接触点。The switch is a momentary contact one, with latching logic on the system module.