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他们在设计一个新自来水厂。They were projecting a new waterworks.

从船首伸出来的圆材。A spar projecting from the bow of a vessel.

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你又在以己度人了,但我没有生你的气。You are projecting again, but I'm not angry with you.

我把大衣挂在一个突出于墙外的一块松动的砖头上。I caught my coat on a loose brick projecting from the wall.

你向你的客户表达了自信还是自我怀疑?Are you projecting confidence or self-doubt to your customers?

它只是隐藏在面纱背后,投射出摩耶的力量。It is only hidden by the veiling and projecting power of maya.

“首先我们的主的头部,投射上梁,是把”冠军。Above our Lord's head, on the projecting beam, was placed the title.

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所以,只有揭开心灵的幔帐,想象才会是真实。So visualize that reality, projecting it onto the screen of your mind.

穆格公司的飞机分部预计2009财年的销售额为6.52亿美元。Moog\'s Aircraft Segment is projecting fiscal 2009 sales of $652 million.

飞机''。'炮'。''''。'塔'。''战斗机上圆顶形的封闭式结构,炮手的位置,从。A domelike gunner's enclosure projecting from the fuselage of a combat aircraft.

较大的背面区块上组成了阳台凹凸有致的联合演绎。The larger rear block plays on a composition of projecting and recessed balconies.

山墙封檐板常做装饰性雕刻的木板,与三角屋顶突出来的边相连。A board, often ornately carved, attached along the projecting edge of a gable roof.

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突入椎管内的实性团块,可经保守治疗而消失。Also, the mass projecting into spinal canal can be cured by conservative treatment.

把这些X框架放进这些箱体,就成了横隔梁。With the X-frames projecting into the boxes, the transverse diaphragms were formed.

而乔治·克鲁尼也极具说服力,他用质朴的表演方式演绎了温情与淡定。Clooney also is convincing, projecting warmth and ease in an understated performance.

同时,还有大量时间都花在计划未来,想象会发生什么。And we spend much time projecting into the future and wondering about what may happen.

科特先生说,这项技术通过閳“发射一系列强光”在画作上来完成工作。It works by "projecting a series of intense lights" on to the painting, Mr Cotte said.

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如果从历史的角度来看,那些指责人的人是在贼喊抓贼。If you look historically, people who blame others were projecting what they want to do.

今年全国房地产联合会正在策划房屋买卖的回升。National Association of Realtors is projecting that home sales will trend up this year.

除去以上的电磁铁线圈投影核心,以电流打开。Drop the coil over the projecting core of the electromagnet, with the current-turned on.