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玩家可以给角色装备防具。You can wear protective gear.

他哥哥保护意识很强。His brother is very protective.

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我身上的疫苗还有保护性吗Is my vaccine still protective?

取下保护盖,安全保护薄膜。Remove protective cap and safety clip.

启动过流保护装置。Startup the current protective device.

但我也会尽量保护我的嘉宾们。But I tend to be protective of my guests.

没有人佩戴防护面具或保护滤布。Nobody wore a mask or protective clothing.

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“这头白熊太软弱了,”他说,“有时我碰到这种事时,我会保护它们。Sometimes that gets to me. I'm protective.

实验室工作人员应穿防护衣。Lab workers should wear protective clothing.

用下列人防措施。Apply following personal protective measures.

在体育活动中,保护眼睛也很重要的。Protective eyewear counts during sports, too.

这种傲慢态度成了他的保护壳。The arrogance became his protective carapace.

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裁切时勿将保护膜撕开。Do not peel off protective films when cutting.

士兵们有充分的理由做好保护工作。The soldiers have good reason to be protective.

我们还需要特制的防护服。We also need specially made protective clothing.

在危险的活动里可以佩戴有保护作用的的眼睛护具。Wear protective eyewear during risky activities.

父母对小孩控制过严,保护过度。Parents may be controlling and overly protective.

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本研究中发现转位并没有保护作用。Transposition was not protective in this analysis.

身穿防护服的工作人员进入检查区。Workers in protective garb enter a screening post.

防护密封门同样是用钢制成的。The protective sealed door is also made from steel.