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我们不怕牺牲。We fear no sacrifice.

神祗要望之牺牲?A gods-decreed sacrifice?

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你愿不愿为此做出牺牲?Are you willing to sacrifice?

神巫张氏在祭祀中死去。Sibyl zhang died in sacrifice.

一只小羊被用做祭祀。A lamb was offered in sacrifice.

因为女人是注定要牺牲的。Because women have to sacrifice.

你愿为什么而牺牲?What would you sacrifice for it?

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喆决定牺牲自己。Zhe decides to sacrifice himself.

在回合结束时,牺牲灵液妖。At end of turn, sacrifice Ichorid.

他们杀了一只羊做祭品。They killed a sheep as a sacrifice.

带着冷冷的心情。祭祀那段过往。With cold mood. Sacrifice that past.

我不能牺牲自己的骠骑兵。I can't sacrifice my hussars. Bugler!

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一种宗教中的所有的神。Propitiate the gods with a sacrifice.

对我们的诗人来说那是一种牺牲。It's a sacrifice on our poet's behalf.

高尚的生活,常在壮烈的牺牲中。Noble life, often of heroic sacrifice.

它相当于血祭的方式。What it amounts to, is blood sacrifice.

每家都要准备一头小羊羔。Each family is told to sacrifice a lamb.

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他为我们做了挽回祭。He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

若你无法如此作,则牺牲奥札奇纪念碑。If you can't, sacrifice Eldrazi Monument.

今后会有更多的奋斗和牺牲。There will be more struggle and sacrifice.