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过分鲜艳的色彩看了很刺眼。Glaring colours displease the eye.

该节目招致观众诸多不满。The program displease many audiences.

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哎,我可得罪不起我的老板。Well, I can't afford to displease my boss.

当你不服从你父亲时,你就会使他不高兴。You displease your father when you don't obey him.

一个当她父亲触怒他的时候可以被吊死的朋友?One he can hang if the friend's father should displease him?

遇到不如意的事,她马上就会沉下脸来。She pulls a long face as soon as anything happens to displease her.

免得上主看见而不快,因而撤消对他的忿怒。Lest the Lord see, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him.

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恐怕耶和华看见就不喜悦,将怒气从仇敌身上转过来。Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him.

我们需要知道这个国家的习俗,这样我们就不会惹怒任何人了。We need to know the custom of this country, so that we would not displease anyone.

不受欢迎的政府,无论其政策好与坏都会遭到人们抵触。Good policies and bad ones will both displease his people if the government is unwelcome.

现在你可以平平安安的回去,免得非利士人的首领不欢喜你。Wherefore now return, and go in peace, that thou displease not the lords of the Philistines.

他如果缺少谦卑的心,就不能蒙三位一体上帝的喜悦。What good does it do to speak learnedly about the Trinity if, lacking humility, you displease the Trinity?

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他明知道要求提高工资会使老板感到不高兴,但无论如何,他决定冒一次险。He knew that to ask for higher pay would displease his boss, but anyway he decided to take the bull by the horns.

如果你生活中那些使你不愉快的方面让你觉得懊悔,那么这正是你改变方向的时机。If there are aspects of your life that displease you make you feel regret, this is an opportunity to change direction.

记住,如果你语速太快则难以听懂,语速太慢则拖沓乏味,如此都会使考官厌烦。Remember, you may displease the listener, either because you go too fast to be understood, or too slow to be interesting.

我很重视按照标准的方法办事,以免得罪我们伟大的政治家和英明的领袖们。I make it a point of honour to proceed along very classical lines so that I do not displease our great politicians and wise leaders.

大多数罪犯肯定都在遭受一种想要让受害者痛苦的不健康、不正常的欲望折磨。It is the displease disease. Most criminals surely suffer from an unhealthy and abnormal desire to cause displeasure in their victims.

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家庭医生对他们的病人实行“零容忍”,哪个病人要是惹了他们,就将他们从名单中踢出,这是违反英国国民保健服务规定的。Family doctors are adopting a zero-tolerance approach to patients who displease them by striking them off practice lists, in breach of NHS regulations.

例如,在一个比较开放的、市场主导的经济体中,政府将无法按照自己的好恶去阻止独立的报纸印刷某些内容。For example, in a more open, market-driven economy, the government can no longer deprive independent newspapers of newsprint if they should displease the ruling authorities.

有些人可能宁愿一星期工作七天,但日以继夜的工作会慢慢改变我们,神不喜悦我们这样,而这样也弄成我们自己不像一个人。Some of us may think we'd be happy to work seven days a week. But never-ending work would slowly shape and change us in ways that displease God and diminish our own humanity.