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今天很闷啊!It really humid today.

今天很闷啊!It's really humid today.

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他讨厌潮湿的天气。He abominates humid weather.

今晚将会凉且溼度高。Tonight will be cool and humid.

史瓦斯顿大街又温暖又潮湿。Its warm and humid on swanston street.

又热又湿的天气令我流汗。The hot and humid weather make me sweat.

属亚热带季风湿润气候区。A subtropical humid monsoon climate zone.

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H2O是空气-水体系的模型体系。N2-O2-H2O is a model system for humid air.

我有风湿病,所以我讨厌潮湿的天气。I hate humid climate because I'm rheumatic.

青岛的冬天很冷,风大,并且潮湿。Qingdao is cold, windy and humid in winter.

潮湿的日子里,食物很容易发霉。Foods are easily to be mouldy in humid days.

东北部沿海地带气候潮湿。The northeastern seaboard has a humid climate.

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冬季温差大、干燥,夏季潮湿多雨。Winter temperature, dry, wet and humid summer.

现在是7月12号,一个潮湿而雾蒙蒙的星期五下午。It wasJuly 12, a humid and hazy Friday afternoon.

海边或大湖泊边的空气湿度很大。The air is very humid near the sea or large lake.

在意大利的维洛那城里,天气既炎热又潮湿。It was hot and humid in the Italian city of Verona.

雨后的微风给人以清润的感觉。Breeze after rain gives us a cool and humid feeling.

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灰壤,灰化土一种淋洗的土壤,主要形成于阴凉而湿润的地带。A leached soil formed mainly in cool, humid climates.

适用于家居闲步、洗澡和潮湿环境。Apply to home Xianbu, bathing and humid environments.

马拉松比赛当天湿度很大,气温高达90华氏度。The marathon was run on a very humid , 90F degree day.