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精神分析是伪科学。Psychoanalysis is a pseudoscience.

第二势力是精神分析学。The second force was psychoanalysis.

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精神分析是一种治疗方法。Psychoanalysis is a method of therapy.

精神分析疗法可以用来创造一个更好的社会。Psychoanalysis could be used to make a better society.

心理分析还是魔鬼,我认为那是直接引用。Psychoanalysis or satan, I think that’s a direct quote.

我宽慰地松了口气,然后继续接受他的心理分析。I sighed in relief , and continued with the psychoanalysis.

现代科学认为没有一件事是不能批评的。Some critics disparage psychoanalysis as being a pseudoscience.

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文本中有着日本新感觉派心理分析的影子。There were shadows of the Japanese New Sensualism psychoanalysis.

弗洛依德是精神分析的,提出者与拥护者。Freud developed and championed the theory of psychoanalysis by himself.

比方哈利对着伏地魔不知好歹地咆哮那一幕,很是刺耳,相当糟糕。Harry’s bellowing cod- psychoanalysis of Voldemort is jarringly awful.

今天我们先来讲讲精神分析理论,下周再谈行为主义理论。And I want to talk about psychoanalysis today and behaviorism next week.

马斯洛认为,精神分析和神经症强调了它的位置。Maslow felt that psychoanalysis and its emphasis on neuroses had its place.

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精神分析已远远超出了它的创始人弗洛伊德的工作。Psychoanalysis has moved well beyond the work of its founder, Sigmund Freud.

洛伦像摇滚明星一样的身份反映出阿根廷人对心理分析的狂热程度。Mr. Rolon's rock-star status reflects Argentina's fascination with psychoanalysis.

后来,她的心理医生还要了一份这个故事的复印件,以助心理分析。Later, her therapist would ask for a copy of the story to help with her psychoanalysis.

其次是柏格森的生命哲学理论和弗洛伊德的精神分析心理学理论。Then Bergson's philosophical thinking on living and Freud's psychoanalysis will be told.

运用弗洛伊德理论,采用心理分析创作是张爱玲小说的核心内容。Adopting the method of freud 's psychoanalysis is the core of the novels by Zhang Ailing.

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我们应该庆贺科学博物馆成立一个关于精神分析的展览。WE SHOULD congratulate the Science Museum for setting up an exhibition on psychoanalysis.

精神分析是伪科学,因为其从业人员不做科学研究。Psychoanalysis is a bogus science because its practitioners do not do scientific research.

精神分析的关键假设在于,你所遇到的问题-,实际上反映出了更深层次的冲突。The key notion of psychoanalysis is your problems are-- actually reflect deeper phenomena.