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年轻人切盼成功。Young men yearn to succeed.

我们都渴望被人宠爱。We all yearn to be cosseted.

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经过一个学期,我渴望见到我爸妈。Ater a semester, I yearn to see may parents.

是怀孕的妇女都馋酸泡菜吗?Do pregnant women really yearn for sour pickles?

开始恋爱,开始怀念「两小无猜」的时候。Beginning be in love, to yearn for the "innocence".

这组词的共同意思是“渴望”。Betty was beginning to pine and to yearn after Beuno.

看秋云,我向往这浩渺明净的蓝天的广博。See autumn cloud, I yearn for the vast clear sky vast.

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我是心受了伤的天使,向往天堂。I am an injured angel of a heart, yearn for the paradise.

你应该做的是,教他们热爱广阔无垠的海洋。Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.

我向往飞翔,即便是烈日当空。I yearn for the soaring, even if is scorching sun overhead.

法治以其合法规律性、合价值性而为我们向往。We yearn for the Rule of Law, for its regulation and value.

当你看到天空的云时,那就表示我渴望见到你。When you see the cloud in the sky, it means I yearn for you.

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相信轮回,深深地惦念着与你再次相遇。Believe palingenesis, profoundly yearn encounter to you again.

我渴望的是充实心灵而不只是涨满口袋。I yearn for things that expand the soul and not just the pocket.

为你朝思暮想,尤其是你那张脸蛋。For your yearn day and night, especially you that piece of cheek.

如果你渴望与偏远地区连接上,那么你将发现这儿就可以。If you yearn for a connection to the wild, you will find it here.

如今卡斯特兰的男孩们渴望能够像他一样出色。And today the boys of Castellane yearn to follow in his footsteps.

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我们不再同床而眠,但是我多么渴望有一天我们能够再睡在一起。We don't share a bed any more and I yearn for the day when we can.

一直为虚名所累。人至中年,越发向往简简单单的生活。Has been for the title. To middle-aged, more yearn for simple life.

现在的很多都市人向往那种田园化的生活。Many people living in big cities yearn for an idyllic country life.