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当地的列车不和美国铁路客运公司的列车相连。The local train does not connect with the Amtrak train.

所以这就是为什么我呼吁创造一个特拉克没有骑列表。So that's why I'm calling for the creation of an Amtrak no ride list.

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但由于现金短缺,全国铁路客运公司还不能让这些车厢重返铁轨。Low on cash, Amtrak has not been able to get the cars back on the tracks.

生物柴油降低了空气污染,且有助于资金缺乏的美铁在燃料上节省开支。The biodiesel reduces air pollution and helps cash-strapped Amtrak save on fuel.

几个月后,他的妻子卢拉,50岁,丢掉了美铁票务的工作。A few months later, his wife, Lura, 50, lost herposition as a ticket clerk for Amtrak.

我至少一年没休假了,我在Amtrak做了一年半了,因为我是新人。I don't see a vacation for at least a year, year and a half with Amtrak because I'm brand new.

特拉克取消列车纽波特纽斯,弗吉尼亚州附近的海岸,从里士满,弗吉尼亚州和华盛顿州。Amtrak canceled trains to Newport News, near Virginia's coast, from Richmond, Va. , and Washington.

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铁路货运公司必须学会与有限的美铁旅客列车共存。The freight railroads have learned to live with the limited Amtrak passenger services on their tracks.

在许多地方,美国铁路局都明令禁止手机、电脑或者其他设备发出声响。On some shorter lines, Amtrak has "quiet cars" where noise from phones, laptops and other devices is prohibited.

1971年全国铁路客运公司接管其客运业务,其它资产于1976年转入联合铁路公司。Its passenger services were taken over by Amtrak in 1971, and its other assets were transferred to Conrail in 1976.

他甚至还签署了两项法律的规定,其中包括扩大枪访问,一个在国家公园及美铁列车之一。He even signed two laws that included provisions expanding gun access, one in national parks and one on Amtrak trains.

二十多年前,我在美国东海岸的巴尔的摩上了美国铁路公司的另一列火车,列车开出十八英里后就撞了车。Just over 20 years ago I caught another Amtrak train in Baltimore, on America's opposite coast. It crashed 18 miles later.

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那一天有一列货车闯进了客车的轨道,两列火车头相撞爆发出一个大火球。A freighter cut into the path of my passenger train. When the two collided the Amtrak locomotive erupted in a giant fireball.

去年十月份,国会又一次延长该公司五年的授权,并计划改造城市间和高速客运铁路线。In October Congress reauthorised Amtrak for five years, and included plans to advance intercity and high-speed passenger rail.

许多乘美铁火车去纽约的乘客也滞留在芝加哥,据报道等待时间超过12消失。Dozens of Amtrak passengers are also reporting being stranded in Chicago for more than 12 hours awaiting a New York-bound train.

美国铁路运输官员称,由于近几日罕见的天气,火车系统面临巨大挑战。Amtrak officials said the system is experiencing significant operational issues because of severe weather over the past few days.

民主党总统候选人奥巴马曾在其网站上称,他会努力为美国铁路客运公司筹措资金。Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama has said on his Web site he would fight for Amtrak funding while seeking reforms.

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全国铁路客运公司今年努力维持全部维修,因为有将近100节车厢和火车头损坏和退役。Amtrak has struggled to maintain full service this year because nearly 100 of its cars and locomotives are damaged and out of service.

美铁乘客告诉吉姆Bickley萨克拉门托,加利福尼亚州,电视台KXTV的拖拉机拖车上车打车第四。Amtrak passenger Jim Bickley told Sacramento, Calif. , television station KXTV that the tractor-trailer hit the fourth car on the train.

吊诡的是,帕克先生认为他那安静的之旅弥足珍贵,笔记本不开,手机也关机。Ironically, Mr. Packer notes how much he treasures his Amtrak rides in the quiet car of the train, with his laptop closed and cellphone turned off.