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海顿于1781年遇见了莫扎特,他给海顿留下了深刻的印象。Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was impressed with him.

海顿在1781年与莫扎特相遇,并对他留下了的印象。Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very impressed with him.

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海顿是“维也纳古典乐派三杰”之一。Franz Joseph Haydn is one of the Vienna classical famous composers.

这是否说明莫扎特是比海顿更优秀的作曲家?So, does all this imply Mozart was in some way a better composer than Haydn?

大提琴,快板,海顿,演奏,马友友,黄大德。Yo-yo Ma plays Haydn with HK Philharmonic and its music director Samuel Wong.

在候见室里有三把小提琴和一支笛子在轻声演奏着海顿的四重奏。In the antechamber, three violins and a flute softly played quartettes by Haydn.

他的早期受到其恩师的影响甚深,主要是莫扎特及海登。His Early period was heavily influenced by his teachers, mainly Mozart and Haydn.

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例如我弹了一分钟的海顿奏鸣曲之后,她就要我停下,然后倒转录影带。After a minute of the Haydn sonata, for example, she stops me and rewinds the video.

海顿与莫扎特均出生于奥地利,且专业生涯主要集中于维也纳。Haydn and Mozart were both Austrians who spent much of their professional lives in Vienna.

贝多芬于1792年11月10日到达维也纳,不足22岁的他渴望着开始跟海顿学习作曲。Beethoven arrived in Vienna on 10 November 1792, not yet twenty-two and eager to begin composition lessons with Haydn.

1761年海顿任埃斯特哈齐富豪家族乐队指挥,并写了大量各种不同的乐曲。In 1761 Haydn was made musical director to the rich Esterhazy family, and composed vast amounts of music of many kinds.

贝多芬立即师从海顿,课程一直延续到1793年,但他似乎发现这些课程令人失望。Beethoven began lessons with Haydn at once and these continued throughout 1793, but he seems to have found them disappointing.

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你应该可以演奏较难程度的室内乐,如由海顿创作的弦乐四重奏或钢琴三重奏。You should be able to play chamber music works on the difficulty level of easy String Quartets or Piano Trios by Joseph Haydn.

在维也纳学习音乐之后,海顿去奥地利东部一个王子的宫廷工作,在那里他成了音乐指挥家。After studying music in Vienna, Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria, where he became director of music.

该课程的核心,是献给他的朋友,伟大的约瑟夫海顿,莫扎特6海顿弦乐四重奏。The centerpiece of the course is the set of six Haydn string quartets that Mozart dedicated to his friend, the great Joseph Haydn.

1800年之前,他曾经出版了模仿海顿和莫扎特的作品,但是已经带有贝多芬独特的力与美。Before 1800, he had published works modeled upon Haydn and Mozart, but already touched with the power and beauty that are Beethoven.

音乐是维也纳的灵魂——欧洲伟大的作曲家,从莫扎特到贝多芬,从海顿到舒伯特、施特劳斯,都将它视作故乡。Music is the soul of Vienna—the great composers of Europe, from Mozart to Beethoven, Haydn to Schubert, Strauss, called the city home.

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在1792他移动到维也纳什么地方他故意的写作有海顿为了简略时间和也既定的他自己同样地艺术鉴赏家钢琴家。In 1792 he moved to Vienna where he studied composition with Haydn for a short time and also established himself as a virtuoso pianist.

海顿不仅从其弟处得到了第一手资料,还读到过大量有关于音乐神童的报道。In addition to his younger brother's firsthand reports, Haydn would have read published accounts of Mozart's exploits as a child prodigy.

今年,正逢海顿逝世200周年纪念,傅聪将奉献海顿专场音乐会,与乐迷一同回顾“交响乐之父”的音乐魔力。In order to tribute him, Fou Ts'ong will play a totally Haydn music, and present his charming music for the fifth time in Shanghai Concert Hall.