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在途中,您将通过典型的马来的房子。This is one of the typical malay kampong house.

抵达后,体验富有当地部落风俗的早餐。Upon arrival you will have the local kampong style breakfast.

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这过程怎么跑出一个长住在新加坡的苏丹?为什么在甘榜格南还有座苏丹王宫?。Why was there a Sultan living in Singapore and an Istana Kampong Glam?

文莱的大清真寺金碧辉煌,用白色大理石和黄金建成。Masjid Kampong Sungai Keun Mosque in Brunei is made of white marble and gold.

不知道这段历史,人们就无法理解,为什么甘榜格南曾经有一座苏丹王宫。Singaporeans who are ignorant of this part of our history will no doubt wonder why there was previously a palace in Kampong Glam.

该致命病例发生于该国南部、金边西部磅士卑省1名3岁女童。The case, which was fatal, occurred in a 3-year-old girl from Kampong Speu Province, west of Phnom Penh in the southern part of the country.

新加坡开埠那年,他还住在廖内,是莱佛士将他迎来新加坡登基为苏丹的,英国人还在甘榜格南为他建了一座王宫。It was Stamford Raffles who brought him to Singapore to be installed as the Sultan and the British even built a palace for him in Kampong Glam.

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与我们一同发掘干榜戈南、小印度和牛车水的魅力。别错过了这些仍然富有道地色彩的文化聚集地!Discover the charms of Kampong Glam, Little India & Chinatown . Don't miss these cultural enclaves where Singapore's indigenous culture and heritage still thrives!

参观旧时的木板店屋和徒步渡过小镇著名的地标“担波罗里吊桥”,让您体验甘榜生活的趣味。Visit Historical Wooden Shop houses of olden days and walk across the "JambatanTamparuli", a suspension bridge which is the famous landmark in that small town to get a feel of kampong.

从电视台播放的画面可以看到,一些插有柬埔寨国旗的装甲车正从磅清扬省出发开赴柏威夏寺地区。From the television screen you can see, some of the Cambodian national flag inserted in Kampong Chhnang Province, armored vehicles are starting to move into from the Preah Vihear Temple area.