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如果你还在上学,你也可以和学校辅导员谈一谈。Talk to your school counsellor if you are still at school.

也许我们可以去咨询同一个心理医生,以弄明白是怎么回事儿?Maybe we could see the same counsellor to find out what’s going on?

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雅各布比其他孩子都年长,像辅导员之类的。Jacob had been older than the other children, some kind of counsellor.

招待会由李碧建参赞主持。The reception was chaired by Mr. Li Bijian, Counsellor of the Embassy.

谁知道主的心,谁作过他的谋士呢For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?

这时,你可以考虑向一名专业顾问寻求意见了。At this point, you might consider seeking advice from a career counsellor.

因为他的种种善举,在1906年被授予准男爵称号,又在1909年成为枢密顾问院的成员。For his philanthropy he was made a baronet in 1906 and a Privy Counsellor in 1909.

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驻冰使馆参赞尹书明、经商处负责人刘波等陪同。Counsellor Yin Shuming, and Liu Bo of the Commercial Section, accompanied the visit.

中国驻缅甸大使馆文化参赞高华阁下为大家做了亲切的讲话并宣布比赛正式开始。Gao Hua, the cultural counsellor in Chinese Embassy in Burma made an openning speech.

有一人从你那里出来,图谋邪恶,设恶计攻击耶和华。There is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the LORD, a wicked counsellor.

你可以在他们的网站上看到更多的信息。或者,到泰凯益办公室和泰凯益的咨询顾问们好好聊一下。Visit the DIAC website to find out more about the changes, or talk to your TKE counsellor.

他目前在中国常驻日内瓦代表团担任公使衔参赞。He is currently Minister Counsellor at the Chinese Mission to the United Nations in Geneva.

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使馆参赞尧文良和领事李壮等陪同。Counsellor Yao Wenliang and Consul Li Zhuang from the Chinese Consulate General were present.

我从我国驻渥太华大使馆的商务参赞处得知贵公司做中国桌布生意。We learned from the Commercial Counsellor of our Embassy in Ottawa that you deal in tablecloths.

中国台布我公司从本国驻渥太华大使馆商务参赞处获悉贵公司经营台布。We learned from the commercial counsellor of our embassy in ottawa that you deal in tablecloths.

1988年,陆克文晋升为参赞,而后又提升为高级行主管。In 1988, Mr Rudd was promoted to the rank of Counsellor and later to the Senior Executive Service.

这时候,你需要同心理专家或者朋友谈一下,他们能从一个提供支持和非判断的角度聆听。You need to talk to a counsellor or a friend who can listen in a supportive and non-judgmental way.

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这项服务由寻道会专业辅导人员免费提供。This service is provided free of charge by Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong's qualified counsellor.

元帅杀死军师和番将,不幸被另一番将暗箭射中。Marshal is killed counsellor and time will, unfortunate by another quiver of attack by a hidden enemy.

去跟辅导员或平等权利代表谈一谈,看看你都能做些什么。Make an appointment with a counsellor or equal rights representative and find out the steps you can take.