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政府的政策已激起了人民的不满。The government's policies have disaffected the pepole.

也许那个时候就已经到了青春叛逆期了吧!Maybe that time has come to the disaffected youth of the bar!

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至今也没有迹象显示不同的不满群体之间开始互相协作。There is also little sign of co-ordination among different disaffected groups.

最后时刻还是对心怀不满的集团作了让步,以图赢得他们的支持。Last-minute concessions had been made to disaffected groups to win their support.

而这一切都起源于一个心有不满的铁路工人,沃伦柏克德在1890年创建了公司。And all this from a company started in the 1890s by disaffected railroad worker Warren Bechtel.

这可以从移动兽医这样的救助项目开始来赢取不满的穆斯林的支持。That can start with aid programmes, such as the mobile veterinarians’, to win over disaffected Muslims.

超人气小说家韩寒是中国反叛的青少年一代的最叛逆和毒舌的声音。Wildly popular novelist Han Han is the rebellious, potty-mouthed voice of a generation of disaffected Chinese youth.

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官方努力阻止那些来自于其他省份的不满者在奥运期间进入首都。Officials made strenuous efforts to keep disaffected citizens from other provinces away from the capital during the games.

其中一些由地区性恐怖组织伊斯兰祈祷团不忠的成员组成,他们感觉伊斯兰祈祷团过分被动。Some are made up of disaffected members of the regional terror group Jemaah Islamiyah, who feel it has become too passive.

贝克穆在进行历史研究时,发现了这些档案,于是他决定让人们听到这些来自历史的不平音。Bakkom discovered the archive while doing historical research and decided these disaffected voices from the past needed to be heard.

现在她担心,薪酬的下降──更严重的是工作岗位的稀缺──会让像他儿子这样的年轻人感到不满和绝望。Now she worries that lower wages─and, more pressingly, the dearth of jobs─has left young men like her son disaffected and depressed.

麻生将面对前防卫大臣小池百合子的挑战,她尝试把不满小泉的人聚集起来。Mr Aso will face a challenge from Yuriko Koike, a former defence minister, who will try to rally disaffected Koizumi followers behind her.

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这条路线会巧妙地通过泰国的贫穷和政治上不满的东北部,给当地的经济一记强心剂。Handily, the route would pass through Thailand's poor and politically disaffected north-east, giving a shot in the arm to the local economy.

这条路线将轻而易举地穿过贫困、政治上不满的泰国东北部,为本地经济注入一剂强心针。Handily, the route would pass through Thailand’s poor and politically disaffected north-east, giving a shot in the arm to the local economy.

我不会蓄山羊胡。过去这让你看起来很邪恶,但是现在这让你看起来像是X世代的不满份子。I will not grow a goatee. In the old days they made you look diabolic . Now they just make you look like a disaffected member of Generation X.

一些不满印尼统治的巴布亚人群起反抗,奇怪的是,半军事的人似乎就能造成大混乱。Let a few Papuans disaffected with Indonesian control act up in a community and strangely, paramilitary armed men may appear to inflict havoc.

他不光需要赢得失望的民主党同志,还需要他们站起来像2008年大选一样为他摇旗呐喊。He needs not only to win back such disaffected Democrats, but also to get them out to campaign for him and vote in their droves, as they did in 2008.

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这样一来,便成功的利用了南方民主党人对约翰逊总统公民权议程的不满,将这部分选民招致共和党麾下,并一直沿袭至今。It succeeded in wooing white Southern Democrats disaffected by President Johnson’s civil rights agenda into the Republican fold, where they remain today.

长期以来,土耳其都是受排挤维族人的避风塘,维吾尔族杰出领袖艾莎。尤素夫。阿尔泰金就曾在此避难,直至95年撒手人寰。Turkey has long been a haven for disaffected Uighurs, including Isa Yusuf Alptekin, the pre-eminent leader of Uighur nationalism until his death in 1995.

显然大学教育并没有全部的答案,否则的话年轻人不会对大学学的东西不满,认为它们枯燥乏味。Obviously the colleges don't have more than a partial answer ------ otherwise the young would not be so disaffected with an education they consider vapid.