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面包店部分在哪里?Where is the bakery section?

同时也要注意面包店的产品。Be careful of bakery items, too.

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在韶山路上有没有面包店?Is there a bakery on Shaoshan Road?

我们小区有一个面包房。There is a bakery in our community.

我是一家小型面包店的半个老板。I'm the half-owner of a small bakery.

一个老吝啬鬼走了入面包店。An old skinflint walked into a bakery.

从面包房里飘出了诱人的香味。An enticing smell came from the bakery.

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为什么他们不再从面包房里买东西了?Why did they stop buying from the bakery?

阁下曾否光顾「奇华饼家」?。Have you ever patronized "Kee Wah Bakery"?

焙烤配料,该公司是一个贸易…Bakery ingredients. It is a trading company.

面包店松饼,奶油干酪百吉饼Bakery muffin, large bagel with cream cheese

面包店里飘来了诱人的香味。From a bakery comes the scent of fresh bread.

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你是说你在找那个法式面包店吗?You say you're looking for the French bakery?

你从事面包业还是经营绸布业?。Are you in the bakery line or the drapery line?

不知道那家糕饼店会不会让我们把卖剩的带回家。Wonder if that bakery let us take leftover home.

你从那里得到有关奇华饼家的资讯?。How you get the information about Kee-Wah Bakery?

你会推荐「奇华饼家」给你的朋友?Will you recommend Kee-Wah Bakery to your friend?

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平均每一个月,你会进入奇华饼家多少次?How many times you go to Kee-Wah Bakery in a month?

凯宾斯基饭店面包房是一家可以堂食的甜点房。Kempinski Hotel bakery is a dessert you can dine room.

工厂有自己的医院、面包店和食品店。The factory had its own hospital, bakery and food stores.