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结果表明,该树脂吸水性能好,并具有良好加压保水能力。The result indicates the hydroscopicity of this resin is good and has good pressor absorbent power.

针对涤纶纤维的表面能较低导致其吸湿性差的现状,采用空气等离子体对涤纶非织造布进行处理。The effects of treatment time, power and the discharge distance on the hydroscopicity of the nonwoven fabric were determined through experiments.

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应用高吸水种衣剂种子包衣,研究在水稻塑盘旱育抛秧上的应用效果。Using high- hydroscopicity resin seed-coating material to study its application effect on the plastic-plate dry-raised and scatteredtransplantation seedling.

研究了碱性焊条工艺性的影响因素,探讨了焊缝金属的含氢量、焊条药皮的吸湿性、焊缝金属的强韧化特性等。The influence factors such as the hydrogen content in weld metal, the hydroscopicity in electrode coating and the toughness of weld metal of basic electrodes are studied.

纺织品动态吸水性测试仪,用于评估经整理织物的拒水性。仪器由滚筒罐及电动转架组成。Textile dynamic hydroscopicity instrument, design to evaluate the water repellency of textile after finishing. The instrument is composed of roller drum and Electromotion turner.

实验结果显示,由于处理后纤维的结构中含有高吸水性的羧甲基基团,处理后的纤维比初始纤维有更高的吸湿性。Experimental results showed that the treated fibers had much higher hydroscopicity than the untreated ones, due to the highly absorbent carboxymethyl groups in the fiber structure.

要使服装面料具有吸湿,透汗功能,需要通过织物原料的选择,搭配及织物结构的准确设计来实现。In order to the knitted fabrics possess hydroscopicity and sweat permeability, it is necessary to select and arrange fiber materials and to design knitted fabric structures accurately.

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该矿膨胀倍数高,吸水性好,白度好,有害成分低,具体成分,理化指标请您咨询。Ore this high to expand multiple, fine hydroscopicity have , kind white degree have, unless composition the low, composition not concrete, physics and chemistry index please consultation.

以自制壳聚糖和1-氯胍乙酸为原料合成胍乙酸壳聚糖,并对其进行吸湿保湿性能测定。Guanidyl acetic acid chitosan has been synthesized with self-made chitosan and 1-chloro-glycocyamine, and its hydroscopicity and moisture retentive ability have been measured consequently.

通过实验确定MA与淀粉的质量比、交联剂的性能、引发剂的浓度以及膨润土对高吸水性树脂吸水性能的影响。The experiment will confirm the quality rate of MA and amylum, the capability of cross-linking agent, the concentration of initiating agent and the effect of bentonite on high hydroscopicity resin.