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我有一些建议。Heres some advice.

这是我的咭片。Heres my business card.

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这就我们说善意的谎言的原因。Heres why we tell white lies.

以下是达成那个目标的方法。Heres how to achieve that goal.

赫雷什我的大小来衡量它。Heres the size as I measured it.

这是您的虾仁豆腐。Heres your shrimp with beancurd.

这有一张图片,请看。Heres a picture for you. Look at it.

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为新生活的开始。Heres to the beginning of a new life.

生日快乐。这是给你的礼物。Happy birthday. Heres the present for you.

赫雷什一个与我的研磨成立立场的照片。Heres a pic of the stand with my grinding set up.

好,这是我要你做的。你爸爸有呼吸吗?OK, heres what I want you to do. Your dads breathing?

这里就是你的局面配套方案斜交结果?。Heres a scenario where matching options skew your results?

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如果你找不到减淡工具,这张图将帮你找到它。If you cant find the dodge tool, heres an image to help you out.

如何能在三天时间内充分领略世博风光,下面是他的一些建议。Heres his advice on making the most of a three-day trip to the Expo.

在这里,我们将选出十七种改变人类历史进程的物质分子。Heres our ion of those that have changed the course of human history.

约阿施的儿子基甸由希列斯坡从阵上回来。Gideon son of Joash then returned from the battle by the Pass of Heres.

约阿施的儿子基甸由希列斯坡从阵上回来。Then Gideon the son of Joash returned from the battle by the ascent of Heres.

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然后,对于所有得到我名片的人,我的电话和电子邮件在这里。And then, for all of you that have my business card, heres my phone and email.

如果你曾经挣扎过你到底该做什么的话,这里有些能帮到你的简单方法。If you have ever struggled with what you should do heres a simple tip that can help.

“这儿有她的痕迹,”他说著,用指头摸摸这儿,又摸摸那儿。Heres her track, he said, touching the ground here and there and yonder with his finger.