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可是那样会不会太像葬礼了?Or would that be too funereal?

你可是等待几滴眼泪的一只骨灰瓮?A funereal urn awaiting a few tears?

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我就像一个没有翅膀的送葬的天使!I like a funereal angel, but have no wing!

对送葬的大气有助益是被运行的夜黑暗。Contributing to the funereal atmosphere is an enforced nocturnal darkness.

他脑子里的喧嚣和那穷窟里坟墓般的寂静恰成对比。The tumult of his thoughts contrasted with the funereal silence of the den.

再往前跨一步就能让越过你肩头的那些教堂的丧钟传到很远,甜美如天籁。A step more will make those funereal church bells over your shoulder sound far and sweet as a natural sound.

但是,这个周末在亚太贸易峰会上的见面很可能会给人带来更多的伤感。But the meetings this weekend, at the Asia-Pacific trade summit, will very likely have a more funereal feel.

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他仿佛乐于把自己的思想沉浸在那种满含乐土景色的诔歌里。He seemed to like to give to his thoughts for text these funereal psalmodies filled with the vision of the other world.

从河岸上,我们可以影影绰绰看见无数鲑鱼的身影,涌向上游奔赴生命的终点。From the banks of the river we could see the shadowy outlines of countless salmon, swimming upstream in funereal convoys.

5月30日,该葬礼仪式吸引了成千上万的民众前来参与,他们装饰各条街道、各个城镇里的公墓。On May 30, funereal events attracted thousands of people at hundreds of cemeteries in countless towns, cities and mere crossroads.

我运用了它们的陪葬功能来表现社会和经济上的遗赠关系,这种世界资本化的循环在已有传统的基础上产生了。Their funereal function is also drawn upon to signify the social and economic demise that these cycles of global capitalism incur upon established traditions.

“在大不列颠的每一部分,”梭罗在日记中写道,“都能找到罗马的遗迹,罗马的古瓷,营地,道路和住所。"In every part of Great Britain, " he wrote in his diary, "are discovered traces of the Romans, their funereal urns, their camps, their roads, their dwellings.

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但是在周末的发布会上并没有任何多愁善感或者死寂气氛-取而代之的对富于想象力的个体的欢呼。Yet there was nothing mawkish or funereal about the atmosphere at the weekend shows — rather they were a celebration of the individuality that produces imaginative talent.

南京纸上的朵朵小绿花,整齐安静地来和这些阴森的铁条相接触,并不感到惶恐,也不狂奔乱窜。The little green flowers of the nankin paper ran in a calm and orderly manner to those iron bars, without being startled or thrown into confusion by their funereal contact.