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咱们能否赶得及期限?Can we make the deadline?

我必需赶得上最后期限。I ought to meet the deadline.

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为每个目标设置最后期限。Set a deadline for each goal.

最后期限是明天。The final deadline is tomorrow.

2014年限期是误导性的。The 2014 deadline is misleading.

预定截止期限到期。The reservation deadline expires.

目标就是一个有截止日期的梦想。A goal is a dream with a deadline.

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申请的最后期限是四月。Our application deadline was April.

要努力在最后期限前完成任务。Strive your best to keep a deadline.

最后期限往后延了一个月。The deadline was extended one month.

你方报价比最后期限晚了一些。You is a little behind the deadline.

你不要在这最后期限的紧急关头磨磨蹭蹭。Don't drag your feet on this deadline.

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我们把最后期限暂定为六月一号吧。Let's pencil the deadline in June 1st.

提供建议的截止期为2011年1月6日。The proposal deadline is Jan. 6, 2011.

当最后时限迫近的时候你会怎么做?What do you do when the deadline looms?

我们赶不及印刷商的最后期限了吗?Are we too late for the printer' s deadline?

破产还是重组,通用汽车一周大限倒计时。Make-or-break week for GM as deadline nears.

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限期能再宽几天吗?Can the deadline be extended a few more days?

实现这些目标的最后期限是2015年。The deadline for achieving the goals is 2015.

明天未来诰日是选课的末了刻日。Tomorrow's the deadline for choosing classes.