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专注能增进脑力。Concentration can increase brainpower.

马上用这个技巧来增进自己的脑力吧。Use this technique to increase your brainpower now.

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从那时开始,我在大小和脑力上都成长得很快。From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.

最新研究表明父母们可能低估了孩子们的小脑瓜。But new research suggests we may be wildly underestimating their brainpower.

所有这些因素对于增强我们的智力很有帮助。All of these factors contribute significantly towards increases in our brainpower.

在众多不同学科的练习将增强你的思考力,有利于你准备从事的任何工作。Exercise in various areas builds brainpower for whatever endeavor you plan to pursue.

显然,要找出人类脑壳胀大的理由,还需要更多的脑力。Finding the reason for humanity's swollen skull undoubtedly will take more brainpower.

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皮克林同意这种说法。‘智能会给我们的未来提供火力支援和动力支撑。’And Pickering agreed. 'Their brainpower will give us firepower and horsepower for the future.

中国的脑力工作者们在计算机技术、绿色科技和航天技术上都取得了巨大的进展。Chinese brainpower has made big strides in fields like computing, green technology and space flight.

事实上,他强调左撇子和那些早产的人--他们的智力的减少程度是一样的。In fact, he says left-handers’ brainpower is depleted to the same extent as someone born prematurely.

而我凭智能在目前的生活圈子里搞到的吃食,并不比从外面给他们寄来的邮包少。And the food I got in this circle by my brainpower was not less than their parcels mailed from outside.

国外引智工作在研究型大学国际化进程中有着相当重要的地位。The import of brainpower from abroad plays a major role in the internalization of a research university.

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然而,也有很多人关心TDCS的技术可能被滥用,损伤人的智力。However, there are concerns that while the technique TDCS could also be abused to sap people’s brainpower.

花色素甙除了能克服导致心脏病和癌症的自由基的损害外,还能提高脑力。Besides combatting the free-radical damage linked to heart disease and cancer, anthocyanins may boost brainpower.

研究人员称,素食者智商更高的具体原因还不清楚,但素食中丰富的水果和蔬菜可增强脑力。The researchers say it isn't clear why veggies are brainier , but admit a fruit and veg-rich diet may boost brainpower.

这是第一份研究报告,明确指出幼儿期的饮食与他们日后的大脑能力有直接的相互联系。This is the first study to suggest a direct link between the diet of young children and their brainpower in later life.

当年岁稍长的人在鸡尾酒会上怎么也想不起别人的名字时,他们往往会想脑力是大不如前了。When older people can no longer remember names at a cocktail party, they tend to think that their brainpower is declining.

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一项新新研究表明人类的智慧可以通过训练增加脑力来增强。A fresh study has established that it might be possible to train humans to be more intelligent, by increasing their brainpower.

发明创造经济中心的宗旨便是研究和向发展中国家介绍利用人民的聪明才智提高生活水准的途径。CIEC researches and teaches how developing countries can harness the brainpower of their people to raise the standard of living.

没人需要移民改革,因此全世界的精英们都能不受限制地来到美国——不仅是美国的企业。No one needs immigration reform — so the world’s best brainpower can come here without restrictions — more than American business.