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那里,几乎可以说曾经是天花和黑死病生生不息的污水坑。It was a kind of cesspit constantly seething with smallpox and bubonic plague.

要把官僚主义方式这个极坏的家伙抛到粪缸里去,因为没有一个同志喜欢它。The ugly evil of bureaucracy, which no comrade likes, must be thrown into the cesspit.

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卡斯特罗之前巴蒂斯塔控制的的古巴就是个被美帝国主义剥削的粪坑。Cuba under the Batista regime was a cesspit of exploitative USA imperialism before Castro.

但是,我们不能因为这个行业现有的水平,而直接把电脑游戏一脚踹进流行文化的泥潭里。But we cannot relegate computer games to the cesspit of pop culture solely on the evidence of the current crop of games.

但这的确会引出一些惊人的发现,尤其是如果这里曾是垃圾池所在地。But this could actually yield some fantastic results, especially if it was an area where rubbish was thrown or the cesspit was located.

但这的确会引出一些惊人的发现,尤其是如果这里曾是垃圾场或粪坑所在地。but this could actually yield some fantastic results, especially if it was an area where rubbish was thrown or the cesspit was located.

但是,我们不能因为这个行业现有的水平,而直接把电脑游戏一脚踹进流行文化的泥潭里。So says the skeptic. But we cannot relegate computer games to the cesspit of pop culture solely on the evidence of the current crop of games.

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该公司尝试把摄像头放入化粪池中,过滤污物,甚至派了一名勇敢的员工携带金属探测器进入池中,但都未成功。The company put a camera in to the cesspit tank, filtered the waste and even sent a brave worker into the tank with a metal detector to help Speirs but failed.

为进一步探究英国戏剧大师威廉·莎士比亚生活的方方面面,考古学家们日前开始发掘这位剧作家故居的粪坑。Archaeologists believe they are on the cusp of shedding new light on the life of William Shakespeare –by digging up what may have been the playwright’s cesspit.

为进一步探究英国戏剧大师威廉·莎士比亚生活的方方面面,考古学家们日前开始发掘这位剧作家故居的垃圾池。Archaeologists believe they are on the cusp of shedding new light on the life of William Shakespeare – by digging up what may have been the playwright’s cesspit.

如果说小说第一部分只是影射了种族主义,那么在第二部分,种族的不平等得到了野蛮的渲泄,小城梅岗也从一个尚可原谅的封闭小镇成了一个恶贯满盈、种族主义猖獗的大粪坑。The racism alluded to in the first part explodes in all its savagery, and the town – which seemed to be guilty only of a forgivable insularity – becomes a cesspit.

尽管现场一片空旷,但伯明翰考古队相信,他们已经确认莎翁在16世纪曾使用过的垃圾场或粪坑的位置。Although little remains of the property, the team, led by Birmingham Archaeology, believes it has identified a rubbish tip or cesspit used by the 16th century poet.

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棺材里万蛆吸吸索索,比那农村里最简陋的茅屋公厕粪坑中翻滚的蛆还要恶心千万倍。Ten thousand Jus in the coffin absorb Suo Suo, than that village inside's most simple and crude grass shed Mr. the vacillating Ju still want in the middle of the Ci cesspit disgusted must and doubly.