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枭翼树丛挖掘场。Owl Wing Thicket Digsite.

我们爬进灌林丛,躲了起来。We crawled into the thicket and hid.

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他们的头脑都在薮之中。Their brains are all within the thicket.

他忽然向竹丛里跑去。Suddenly he dashed into a bamboo thicket.

丛林是动物的良好隐蔽处。A thicket makes good cover for animals to hide in.

那是藏起的鸟儿在密叶中歌唱。It was the bird that sang unseen from the thicket.

那只白熊只好慢慢消失在丛林中。The white bear lumbers into a thicket and disappears.

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它象一只鹿一样敏捷地跳进了这片小树林。It darted into the thicket with the swiftness of a deer.

汝口中的止水藏于万千个吻之中。The still waters of your mouth under a thicket of kisses.

狐狸躲进了狗抓不到它的灌木丛中。The fox hid in the thicket where the dogs could not reach it.

最终,他们躲在一个灌木丛,不肯出来。Eventually they took cover in a thicket and refused to come out.

乡鼠正坐在榛树丛下摘硬果。Te Country Mouse was sitting under a azel thicket plucking nuts.

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一个从四面八方穿过灌木丛过来的骑兵队发起了令人恐怖的猛攻。A sabre sla mmed fearsomely through the thicket in all directions.

乡鼠正坐在榛树丛下摘硬果。The country mouse was sitting under a hazel thicket plucking nuts.

他们好像人扬起斧子,砍伐林中的树。They behaved like men wielding axes to cut through a thicket of trees.

形体行为就这样从错综复杂的盲目反射动作中突现出来。Outward behavior thus emerges from the thicket of these blind reflexes.

阿克铁龙在树丛里,想像自己可以窥探隐形的女神戴安娜,却反被注意到。Diana, invisible, observes Actaeon in the thicket from which he imagines he can spy on her.

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在灌木丛,他发现有磨砂绿茎叶和涂有雪花和冰。In the thicket he found only frosted leaves and green stalks coated with snowflakes and ice.

三只瑰丽的白日鹅从树荫里一直游到他眼前来。Just in front of him, he saw three beautiful white swans advancing towards him from a thicket.

N把车从公路上开出来,转到一条肮脏的公路上,这条公路通往郁郁葱葱的丛林。Notarbartolo pulled off the highway and turned onto a dirt road that led into a dense thicket.