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对她们的镇压成为这个伊斯兰国家的一个支柱。Their subjugation became a pillar of the Islamic state.

近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。Modern China has gone through a poor and weak and subjugation of history.

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面对遭征服的悲惨命运,他们保持了乐观的态度。They have maintained their optimism in the face of desolating subjugation.

救亡图存的民族使命迫在眉睫。To salvage China from subjugation was an urgent mission for the Chinese nation.

这些是战争和征服的工具——是国王们最后诉诸的理由。These are the implements of war and subjugation -- the last arguments to which kings resort.

尽管声势浩大的宣传运动宣传的是另外一种情况,但是镇压塔利班的行动一直是失败的。Despite a heavy propaganda campaign to suggest otherwise, the subjugation of the Taliban has been a failure.

这些阶段不仅强调了女性的卑微处境,还着手拆除囚禁女性的牢笼。Those phases not only highlighted the subjugation of women, they set out to dismantle the foundations of their cages.

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他们害怕法国人会变成毫无思想的机器人并完全接受美国人对他们的文化征服。They were scared that their people would become mindless robots and accept complete cultural subjugation by the Americans.

替代古老压迫模式的不过是一种新型的压迫——能力、抱负、干劲和受教育程度的苛刻竞争。It replaces old forms of subjugation with new ones — the tyranny of competition, of competence, of drive and ambition, of education.

关键在于所有正常的性行为涉及到某种权力,力量和征服的元素。The point is that all normal sexual activity involves certain elements of power, force and subjugation. It has nothing to do with rape.

现在的结果就是法国当地人对于成群结队的第三世界的黑人,穆斯林人,阿拉伯人,以及东方的底层人群的彻底屈服。The result now being complete subjugation of the Native French by hordes of third world Blacks, Muslims, Arabs and other oriental riff raff.

然而取得的发展都与对北美印第安人持续不断的血腥镇压以及决意不动摇奴隶制问题紧密相连。Yet those advances went hand in hand with the continued subjugation of Native Americans and a determination not to disturb the slavery issue.

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现在他将要亲眼看到奢靡的埃及向他臣服—“我要让下埃及尝尝我的厉害”,他后来这么写道。Now Piye would witness the subjugation of decadent Egypt firsthand—"I shall let Lower Egypt taste the taste of my fingers, " he would later write.

现在他将要亲眼看到奢靡的埃及向他臣服—“我要让下埃及尝尝我的厉害”,他后来这么写道。Now Piye would witness the subjugation of decadent Egypt firsthand—“I shall let Lower Egypt taste the taste of my fingers, ” he would later write.

它为我们了解当时的社会提供了更多的资料,具有不可忽视的史学价值。Subjugation of Demons has a non-ignorable historical value because it provides more information which helps people to know about the society of the day.

极左路线是一条祸国殃民的路线,亡党亡国的路线。The Ultra-Leftist line was a line that would have wrecked a country, ruined the people, and led to the destruction of the Party and national subjugation.

例如妥协的空气时起时伏,主张妥协者的根据就是“再战必亡”。For instance, from time to time an atmosphere of compromise arises and the advocates of compromise argue that "the continuance of the war spells subjugation".

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担任新职务后,他设立了帝国改造部,一个专门清洗和镇压异族人的秘密机构。With his new position, he founded the Imperial Department of Redesign, a secretive agency which dedicated much effort to the liquidation and subjugation of aliens.

张东林将日本人在华北的情况告诉韩志杰,如果人人只想着自己的仇恨,早晚要成亡国之奴。The Japanese in the case of north China told Jeff han dong-lin zhang, if everyone just want to his hatred, sooner or later become the slave of national subjugation.

现代人总是愿意出卖对家庭,教会和企业的责任以换取对强制和暴力渐增的政治秩序的屈从。Modern man has been willing to trade away responsibility to the family and church and business for subjugation to an increasingly coercive and violent political order.