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她正在用指甲刀修指甲。She was paring her nails with nail scissors.

当我进屋时她正在用刀削苹果。She was paring an apple with a knife when I came in.

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他们不允许在这条街上停车,路太窄了。They don't allow paring in this street, which is too narrow.

当他看到妻子给他找到了一把干净的水果刀才放了心。He was relieved to see that his wife had found a clean paring knife.

但是,他可以在厨房里可作为削刀或万能刀使用。However, it can function in the kitchen as a paring or utility knife.

我们被剥夺了那些简化层次的东西,直到我们找到了问题的关键。We simplify by paring away the layers of something until we find the core.

橘子削皮刀,锯齿辣椒刀,酸橙蔬菜刀和紫红削皮刀。Orange paring knife, serrated pepper, lime and purple vegetable peeler knife.

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事实上,我们建议拿出你的激情,你可以做好环保事业并经营好你的爱情生活。In fact we suggest paring your passion for going green with the love in your life.

这会给他们一个第一手的印象你是怎么和为什么减少你的拥有的。It’ll give them a first-hand look at how and why you’re paring down your possessions.

如果你没有去心器,可用水果刀穿过苹果沿核切开。If you don’t have a corer, push a paring knife through the apple and cut around the core.

当我们开始创造一种极简生活,比较典型的想法是减少所有物。When creating a minimalist lifestyle, we typically think about paring down our possessions.

作为极简主义者,我们常常说削减占有的东西,有时要削减我们所做的事情。As minimalists, we often talk about paring down possessions, and sometimes paring down what we do.

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当这种情况在年末发生时,直到2022年之前你都不会再有这样的好机会。Once that happens at year's end, you won't have this wonderful paring of energies again until 2022.

我们需要一个警钟来带领我们回归本质,而删繁就简正是我们需要的那个钟。We need a mindfulness bell to bring us back to the essentials, and paring down is that bell for me.

那是一个深秋的傍晚,淡星寥落,一轮钩月还比不上指甲屑大。It was a late autumn evening with few pale stars and a moon no larger than the paring of a finger-nail.

如果你用的是水果刀,那么移掉它,用你的手指通过苹果底部将核挖出。If you used a paring knife, remove it and push the core through the bottom of the apple with your fingers.

删繁就简已经成为一种寻求本质的明智之举,每天只记住那些最重要的。Paring down has been a beautiful way to hone in on the essentials, to be mindful each day of those essentials.

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所以,长期以来,长句子的解析一直是正确理解和翻译日语语言的难题。So in long time, the paring of long sentences is the difficult problem of Japanese understanding and translation.

卓越出众、嬉戏玩耍的纯真实属易碎的品质,也许通过点点滴滴的小事可以让这种品质在他身上保留下去,比如庆祝进球的时候用打火石修脚趾甲,今天迎战布莱克本的比赛前赤身裸体地从球队大巴钻出来,或者是不理会一切损害尊严的言语。Paring his toenails with a flint to celebrate a goal. Emerging nude from the team bus for today's game at Blackburn.

这位父亲给孩子的零用钱少得可怜,孩子想买个乒乓球拍都没有足够的钱。The father was so cheese paring with his son's pocket money that the boy hadn't enough money to buy a table tennis bat.