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我们对广告是免疫的。We are immune to advertising.

甚至犯罪案件也不能幸免。Even criminal cases are not immune.

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它可以增强我们的免疫系统。So it strengthens our immune system.

能否使我们的免疫系统脱敏呢?Can we desensitize our immune systems?

没有谁的人生是一帆风顺的。No life is completely immune to those.

克罗恩病是一种免疫缺陷病?Crohn's disease as an immune deficiency?

一些西非人对疟疾有免疫能力Some West Africans Are Immune to Malaria

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想躲,当然是躲不开的。Wanted to hide, of course, is immune to.

就算你在那个泡泡里,你也无法幸免。And even in the bubble you're not immune.

但是细菌对于网络攻击是免疫的。But bacteria are immune from cyber attacks.

是破坏人体免疫系统的疾病。It's a disease that destroyes immune system.

因此,肿瘤的主动免疫治疗尤其重要。So active immune therapy was very important.

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你终究会变得不在乎批评了.You'll eventually become immune to criticism.

免疫系统可以产生一种叫做细胞因子的化学物质,该物质可以清除病毒,促进免疫反应。These normally help to boost an immune reaction.

复方麦冬丸对免疫系统没有明显影响。FFM have not significant effect of immune system.

心理免疫系统会变得更强。Psychological immune system will become stronger.

他们已经种痘,对天花有免疫力。They are immune from smallpox due to vaccination.

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我种过牛痘了,所以对天花有免疫力。I'm immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.

女祭司不会受自己创造的荆棘刺影响。Priestesses are immune to their own thorn effects.

这就是你需要两种免疫反应的原因That's why you need two kinds of immune responses.