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科里-布鲁尔有着光明的未来。Corey Brewer has a bright future.

酿酒师开始用这种菌株试验。The brewer began experimenting with the ancient strain.

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帕克•布鲁尔说,其他人也同意“呜呜祖拉”是个问题。Parke Brewer says others agree that the vuvuzelas cause problems.

据布鲁尔分析,鲑鱼是能提供营养的最好的食用产品之一。Salmon, Brewer decided, is one of the best possible ways to provide it.

他叫大卫·泰勒,是位酿酒商,在工商界交际很广。He's David Taylor, a brewer with wide connections in the business circle.

四海啤酒最近收购了英国原浆啤酒的生产商夏普斯啤酒。Molson Coors recently bought Sharps, a British brewer of stupendous real ales.

他们需要一位专业的酿酒师,让这种酵母经过严肃设备测试。They needed a professional brewer to take their yeast for a serious test drive.

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嘉士伯赢得了苏联酒厂BBH的完全控制权,还有其他的一些酿酒事业。Carlsberg won full control of BBH, a brewer in Russia, among other brewing businesses.

经过一番诱惑之后,这位酿酒商同意尝试着用卡诺的酵母制作一批啤酒。After some cajoling, the brewer agreed to try making a batch of beer with Cano's yeast.

社会礼仪专家丽兹•布鲁尔告诉英国广播公司说,她觉得这张照片“让人不舒服”。Social etiquette expert Liz Brewer told the BBC that she found the photo "uncomfortable."

百威英博是全球领先的啤酒酿造商,世界五大消费品公司之一。It is the leading global brewer and one of the world's top five consumer products companies.

但工作很难找到,结果我在布鲁尔城附近找到了一份给快艇抽油的工作。But jobs were scarce, and what I got instead was a gig pumping go-juice near the town of Brewer.

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一个日本清酒的制造商在去拉斯维加斯的销售旅行中发现,日本食品已经不在旅馆的菜单之中。A sake brewer on a sales trip to Las Vegas noticed that Japanese food was off the menu at hotels.

尽管有人不满这种塑料喇叭,帕克•布鲁尔却不相信“呜呜祖拉”会被取缔。Despite the complaints about the plastic horns, Parke Brewer doubts that vuvuzelas will be banned.

布鲁尔曾提出事务所是否应该在夏季尝试商务休闲装。Brewer asked during a corporate retreat whether the firm should test business-casual for the summer.

布鲁尔在面对湖人时的表现也相当不错,平均每场拿下14.8分。Brewer did have some of his best offensive numbers against the Lakers, scoring 14.8 points per game.

昆土兰的壮丽的大堡礁令人感叹,这里还有澳洲最壮丽布鲁尔瀑布。Queensland's Magnificent Great Barrier Reef, Sadly, Is The Most Magnificent Of Australia Brewer Falls.

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这笔交易使南非酿酒公司一举成为世界第二大啤酒公司,仅次于生产百威啤酒的安霍伊泽——布施公司。The deal makes SAB the second-largest brewer in the world behind rival Budweiser brewer Anheuser-Busch.

亚利桑那州州长布鲁尔对裁决提出上诉,说联邦政府没有尽到本分。Arizona governor Jan Brewer has appealed the ruling, saying the U.S. government has not been doing its job.

布鲁尔认为在发育初期食用鱼类不仅能够有益孩子大脑发育,同时也能促进味觉的发育。Brewer believes that introducing fish early will help nurture not just babies' brains, but their palates too.