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这位钟表匠是个近视眼。Thee watchmaker is near-sighted.

我出生在伦敦的一个钟表匠家庭。I was Born of a watchmaker in London.

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我认识一个钟表商,他会买您的表。I know a watchmaker who will buy your watch.

这个钟表匠在他的店铺后面有个工作间。The watchmaker has a work-room at the back of his shop.

欧米茄是有史以来唯一的钟表制造商已经建立了一个中央陀飞轮。OMEGA is the only watchmaker ever to have created a central Tourbillon.

这礼拜,他宣传自己出现手脚颤抖前是个钟表匠。This week he was claiming he used to be a watchmaker before he began to shake.

豪雅表是以运动手表和计时器制造闻名于世的瑞士豪华钟表制造商。TAG Heuer is a Swiss luxury watchmaker known for its sports watches and chronographs.

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尤其是对于超级汽车的主人来说,瑞士团队的设计堪称独一无二。Especially for the owners of the new supercar Swiss watchmaker created an unique watch.

另一个女儿是专职模特,而三女儿在时尚的瑞士钟表集团Swatch工作。Another daughter models full-time, and a third works for Swatch, the trendy Swiss watchmaker.

1796年,瑞士钟表匠安托万·法夫尔为“没有铃或锤子的组铃”申请到了专利。In 1796 the Swiss watchmaker Antoine Favre takes out the patent on "the carillon without bells or hammers".

1848年,一个叫路易·勃兰特的钟表匠在瑞士的拉夏德芬开设了一家手表装嵌工厂。In 1848, a man named Louis Brandt watchmaker in Switzerland, La Chaux-de-Fen opened a watch factory assembly.

简而言之,所有表都是附带证书的,没有基本上都是假的。真伪只有专业钟表匠才能分辨。通过图片是不能判断的。Only a qualified watchmaker familiar with Rado products can judge if the watch is a genuine Rado or a fake one.

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如果是备用表,根本就不要考虑买古董级手表,除非你很有钱,并且有一位大师级的表匠来做维修。As for spares, don't even consider a vintage watch unless you have deep pockets and access to a master watchmaker.

当中央陀欧米茄返回到提供服务,它将被放置在手中,原来的钟表匠。When a Central Tourbillon is returned to OMEGA for servicing, it will be placed in the hands of the original watchmaker.

除非身边有钟表匠做参谋,否则“如你所见”一词应当作为警告你不要购买的危险信号。The phrase 'as seen' should act as a red flag warning not to buy unless you have a watchmaker at your elbow to advise you.

由瑞士手表制造商Valijoux制造的有碳纤维刻度盘的时尚计时手表造出了一种与R8速度计相似的感觉。Manufactured by Swiss watchmaker Valijoux this timepiece features a carbon fiber dial fashioned to resemble the R8 speedometer.

著名瑞士腕表及珠宝品牌伯爵的全新专卖店分别于香港利园二期及澳门银河渡假城隆重开幕。The renowned watchmaker and jeweller, Piaget, celebrates new boutiques openings at Lee Gardens Two in Hong Kong and Galaxy Macau.

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他的父亲是一名钟表匠,他的叔叔是一名军械工人,这或许可以解释为什么约翰•亚诺很早就对精密工程和金属制品产生了兴趣。His father was a watchmaker and his uncle a gunsmith, which probably explains his early interest in precision engineering and metalwork.

一块机械表的众多齿轮巧妙地互相配合,如果表的制作者很优秀的话,它可以在好几年内准确地显示时间。The gears of amechanical watch fit together ingeniously, and if the watchmaker wasany good, it will accurately show the time for many years.

迪卡普里奥羽瑞士钟表制造商TAGHeuer合作,打造限量版潜航500米计时器,所得的收入用于他所钟爱的两大事业中。DiCaprio has partnered with Swiss watchmaker TAG Heuer on a limited-edition Aquaracer 500M timepiece, with sales benefitting two of his favorite causes.