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遇期攀登似如仙。Climbing as celestial being.

天葬是不允许观看的。Celestial burial is not to be watched.

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神仙世界也是戒备森严的。Even the celestial world is heavily guarded.

我想知道和接触任何一个天上的星球。I want see And touch any other celestial bady.

十二地支是什么?What are Celestial Stems and Earthly Branches?

玫瑰色的红光依然象天上的朝霞一样绚丽。The rosy light yet beamed like a celestial dawn.

很少几个人只好招以会心的微笑。The very few who knew exchanged celestial grins.

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什么是仙?凭什么仙比人高一头?By what celestial being to compare a person tall?

来吧,朋友,仙山无限风光!Comes, friend, celestial mountain infinite scenery!

大部分天葬师都是酒鬼。Most of the celestial burial masters are alcoholic.

如今我这个凡夫俗子蒙神的召唤,将享受天堂的幸福了。Now I am called on earth to enjoy celestial felicity.

爱是汲取天堂空气的至上之乐。Love is a celestial respiration of the air of paradise.

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平衡天赋塞纳里奥之怒不再影响星落。Balance Celestial Focus doesn't affect Starfall anymore.

大地之焰足以媲美天堂的芬芳。The flames of earth are surely worth celestial perfumes.

他一个人在醉乡里飘飘欲仙。He felt like a celestial being alone in a drunken stupor.

星象能量会使你比平常更加的具有防卫性。The celestial energy can make you more guarded than usual.

除了做天葬师外他找不到其它办法。He had no way out but to work as a celestial burial master.

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这幅拼接的天文照片是在两个地方拍摄的。The celestial photo-op is captured here from two locations.

天体力学和力学振动的应用。Application to celestial mechanics and mechanical vibrations.

我听到天庭鼓乐齐鸣,在为我的女儿加冕。I heard the celestial music form Heaven, which is crowning for you.