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你的乳腺癌癌前病变个人史Your personal history of precancerous breast lesions

他表示这些颗粒能够吸引癌前细胞和癌症细胞。He says the particles attract precancerous and cancer cells.

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使用药物治疗癌前病变或预防癌症。Taking medicines to treat a precancerous condition or to keep cancer from starting.

该技术将来有望应用于癌前诊断和单细胞研究。This technique can also be used in precancerous diagnosis and single-cell research.

陈认为,医生可以预言癌前病变将会发展为癌症。Doctors can predict the chances that precancerous lesions will develop into cancer, Chen says.

一直到几年以前,最好的办法就是利用子宫颈抹片检查,来发现和治疗癌前细胞。Until a few years ago, the best defense was a pap smear to detect and treat precancerous cells.

研究内镜下美蓝染色对早期胃癌及癌前病变的诊断价值。To evaluate the value of methylene blue staining in early gastric cancer and precancerous lesions.

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许多医生认为光化性角化病是一种癌前病变,因为它能够发展为皮肤癌。Many doctors consider an actinic keratosis to be precancerous because it can develop into skin cancer.

第一组包括了那些能够发现癌症或者通过发现癌前病变来预防癌症发生的检查。The first group consists of tests that can detect cancer or prevent it by finding precancerous growths.

其它研究则发现,饮水越多,出现具有癌症前期特征的结肠息肉的机率就越小。Other studies have found that the more water subjects drank, the fewer precancerous colon polyps they had.

其作用机制可能是逆转癌前损害或诱导其向正常分化,并恢复其接触抑制功能。The mechanism maybe that 1023 Recipe can induce precancerous lesions to differentiate into normal tissues.

这些检测项目有助于发现宫颈的癌前病变并使其在癌变前得到治疗。These tests can find precancerous changes in the cervix so they can be treated before they turn into cancer.

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该检测寻找肿瘤或癌前息肉的细胞证据样本通过胃肠道时。It looks for evidence of cells from tumors and precancerous polyps as they pass through the gastrointestinal tract.

目的研究胃镜下亚甲蓝染色对胃癌前病变的诊断价值。Objective To study the value of endoscopic methylene blue staining in the diagnosis of gastric precancerous lesions.

死亡率下降原因中就包括通过筛查和切除癌前息肉的预防措施。Prevention through screening and the removal of precancerous polyps were among the reasons credited for the decline.

HPV检测对于癌前病变生物学进展的观察可能有更高的敏感性。HPV testing has a possibly high sensitivity to lead to the detection of biologically progressive precancerous lesions.

目的研究内镜下美蓝染色对胃癌前病变和早期胃癌的诊断价值。Objective To study the value of methylene blue staining in diagnosis of precancerous lesions and early gastric cancer.

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目的研究用自身荧光内镜在早期喉癌和癌前病变诊断中的应用价值。Objective To assess autofluorescence endoscopy in the diagnosis of early laryngeal cancer and its precancerous lesions.

手术切除标本行碘染色是获取各级癌前病变的有效手段。Iodine stain was a powerful method to acquire the different precancerous lesions from the surgical esophageal specimens.

作为一种新型的检测手段,利用人体组织固有荧光进行癌前病变检查得到重视。The detection technology of precancerous lesions with tissue intrinsic fluorescence technology was developed and valued.