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这个国家是欧洲经济共同体的成员国。The country is a member country of EEC.

因生产过剩,欧洲共同体经济严重失衡。Over-production is seriously unbalancing the EEC economy.

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这一共同体进一步刺激了西欧的复兴。The EEC further stimulate the renaissance of Western Europe.

在附件3中给出了一个EEC型号认可证书的样本。A model for the EEC type-approval certificate is given in Annex III.

夺取了EEC的财产和大楼后,我们回到VDC房前。After taking the EEC property and building we went back to the VDC house.

1986年,葡萄牙加入欧洲经济共同体,也就是后来的欧盟。In 1986, Portugal entered the EEC which was later transformed into the European Union.

一个EEC官员害怕了,向我们提供了EEC财产在哪里的全部信息。One of the EEC officers was afraid and gave us all the information about what EEC property was there.

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方法68例元神经系统定位体征的癫癎大发作患者作EEG及脑CT检查。Methods 68 patients with grand mal epilepsy without nervous systemic signs were examined by EEC and CT.

金刚砂能源公司打算使用一种“高冲击”生物量如玉米干草作为它们计划的高冲击生物量。EEC intends to use a 'high impact' biomass such as corn stover as the high impact biomass for their project.

不锈钢测量皮尺与LED光源,欧洲经济共同体标准,磁性完钩子,自动锁定。5mx19mm,8mx25mm。Stainless steel measuring tape white LED light, EEC standard, magnetic end hook, auto lock . 5MX19MM, 8MX25MM.

有人攻击这家公司在南非付给工人的工资低于英国和欧洲经济共同体规定的标准。The company was accused of paying workers in south africa a wage below the level recommended by britain and the eec.

微调和随后的整合与欧共体法规尚未修改的基本意图和法律观点。Fine-tuning and subsequent integration with EEC regulations have not modified the basic intent and viewpoint of the laws.

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本文介绍了常州工业技术学院电教中心给水排水与消防工程概况、设计意图、基本参数的确定、卫生设备和管材的选用原则。In this paper, the general outline of water supply, drainage and fire-control engineering for the EEC of CITC was recommended.

本文概述了本厂采用EEC数字型涡流探伤仪在焊管生产线上应用情况。The present paper is concerned with the operational performance of the EEC digital eddy inspection equipment now used at Yuehai Steel Container Factory.

由于控制器结构的变化,某型发动机电子调节器主要控制通道的动态响应过程为分段线性数学模型。Due to the change of controller structure, the dynamic response of main control passage for aero-engine EEC can be described as two liner mathematic modes.

虽然他原则上是一个热情的欧洲狂热者,但他1970-73年之间在欧共体委员的工作却让他惊恐于它官僚的邪恶性。Though an ardent enthusiast for Europe in principle, his stint as an EEC commissioner in 1970-73 left him appalled by the " perniciousness " of its bureaucracy.

欧共体信息处称,大部分的成员国有可能会拒绝为已通过该预算全额埋单,而因此产生的分歧将很有可能一直延续到明年。EEC sources said most member states would probably refuse to make full payments to the budget as adopted, and the conflict was likely to last well into next year.

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与EEC型号认可车辆系列相适合的,可能用到的关于防滑链型号的说明书必须随每部车辆一起发放。Instructions regarding the type or types of chains that may be used must accompany each vehicle falling within the series conforming to the EEC type-approval vehicle.

在正式向指定区域内生产的葡萄酒地理名称的限制欧洲已经成为了欧共体称谓控制调整任务的一部分。The restriction of European geographic names to wines produced within the officially designated region has become part of the mandate of EEC Appellation Control regulators.

只要满足附件1中列出的要求,任何成员国不得对该种地面车辆就车护板方面拒绝给与EEC型号认可或国内型号认可。No Member State may refuse to grant EEC type-approval or national type-approval of a vehicle on grounds relating to the wheel guards if they satisfy the requirements laid down in Annex I.