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该电影情节虽然落入俗套,但还算是部好电影。The movie was good despite its formulaic plot.

这个问题根本没有标准答案。There was no formulaic answer to that question.

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在代表们官腔式的发言之外还出现了一些不同寻常的热烈讨论。Between the formulaic speeches have been some unusually fiery debates.

它根据系统负载的各个组成使用公式进行计算。It is a formulaic calculation based on various components of system load.

这次事件是一个里程碑,因为我没有时间去做很多公式化的东西。This project was a milestone because I didn’t do a lot of formulaic things.

人们对公式化语言的研究可以追溯到十九世纪中期。The research on formulaic language can be traced back to the mid-nineteenth century.

它也是这样,你以为是很公式化的西片,然后突然全是怪物了。It’s like that, in that you have a very formulaic western and then all of a sudden there are monsters.

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由于柏悦酒店属连锁酒店集团,我担心酒店会落入俗套并且缺乏气氛,事实证明我大错特错。As the Park Hyatt is part of a chain, I was worried the hotel would be formulaic and lacking in atmosphere.

预制语块指的是固定或半固定的,介于传统语法与词块之间的公式化词语框架。Prefabricated chunks are fixed or semi-fixed formulaic frames between traditional grammar and lexical items.

在很多学校,计划和评估的需求常流于形式,既浪费了老师时间,又加重了负担。In too many schools, planning and assessment requirements have become formulaic burdens which simply waste teachers' time.

刚开始排名的几年教育圈子里经常听说有学校有这些做法或者其他类似的做法。Rumors of these practices and many others like them were rampant in education circles in the early years of formulaic ranking.

预制语块指以整体形式学到并保存在长期记忆中的范例,包括人们常说的公式语和句型等。Prefabricated phrases are exemplars acquiring wholly and saving in long-term memory, including formulaic language and patterns etc.

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但如今精英体育变得如此程式化,我对“专业化”是唯一出路表示怀疑。But I questioned the idea that more and more professionalism was the only solution when elite sport had already become so formulaic.

对歌词的熟悉度以及文字是否包含公式化短语更重要。The level of familiarity with the song lyrics and whether the texts contained formulaic phrases was found to be even more important.

第三章阐述了惯例化语言在母语选择能力和流利程度中的作用。Chapter three sees the role of formulaic language in nativelike selection and nativelike fluency in the process of speech communication.

由于柏悦酒店属连锁酒店集团,我担心酒店会落入俗套并且缺乏气氛,事实证明我大错特错。As the Park Hyatt is part of a chain, I was worried the hotel would be formulaic and lacking in atmosphere. I couldn't have been more wrong.

迪克森说,威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校入学顾问搜寻危险信号,诸如公式化的论文或是不符合测试分数的流利英语。Dickson said UW-Madison admissions counselors look for red flags, such as formulaic essays or fluent English that doesn’t match test scores.

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它也有助于解释为什么我们爱吃公式化的减肥饮食,爱用投资策略炒股票,以及用其他决策辅助手段。It also helps explain why we love formulaic diets, investment strategies, and other decision aids. Formulas feel scientific, tested, and promising.

目前,本杰明·斯塔尔正在进行更进一步的研究。Benjamin Stahl is presently conducting further studies which aim to tap into the resource of rhythmic and formulaic speech for rehabilitative therapies.

套语体现了法律语言程式化的特点,它常使商务英语和法律英语专业的学生感到棘手。Formulaic expressions account for the stylization of legal language, and thus constitute an obstacle to students who major in Legal English or Business English.