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托比向我微笑。Toby smiled at me.

陶比因多起谋杀案而受到审判。Toby was on trial for several murders.

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托比和我警惕地向对方瞪视着。Toby and I stared at each other warily.

托比心想,“为什麽我的毛是毛绒绒的”。"Why is my hair so fluffy", thought Toby.

但只有托比的毛是又长又毛绒绒的。But only Toby the cat had long and fluffy hair.

托比将帽子往头上一扣,跑出门外。Toby slapped his hat on his head and ran out of the house.

最被同额赌注赌家看好的托比比·托拜厄斯赢得了马特尔杯追逐赛。The Martell Cup Chase was won by the evens favourite Toby Tobias.

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几个月以后,托比聘威尼在他的节目中演一个小品。A few months later, toby signed vinnie to do a sketch in his show.

托比一生都在比较各种文明是怎样兴盛衰亡的。Toby has spent his life comparing the way cililiza- tions rise and fall.

现在等我的毛长长了我就会边哭了。"Now with my hair grown long again I will be cool, " thought Toby happily.

托比瞪视了我一会儿,然后发出一阵混浊的笑声,就像一团乱毛。Toby stared at me a moment and then laughed a thick laugh, like uncombed wool.

天马博士给予托比的那段不露声色的父爱正是典型的中国式父子关系。Tenma`s unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chinese father-son relationship.

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第二天,托比头抬得高高的翘着尾巴走在街上。The next day, Toby walked on the street with his head held high and his tail up.

“我不喜欢柠檬汽水,”我咕哝着,正好托比也说,“我没拿柠檬汽水。”“I don’t like lemonade, ” I muttered, just as Toby said, “I don’t fetch lemonade.”

天马博士赐与托比的那段不露神采的父爱恰是典型的神州式父子瓜葛。Tenma's unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chellonese father-son relationshellop.

这很有趣,”新墨西哥州霍洛曼空军基地的空军一等兵托比·施考兹如是说。It has been fun," said Airman 1st Class Toby Schultz from Holloman Air Force Base, N.M.

苹果皮吐出来了,同时托比一直舔她的脸使她不会昏迷过去。The apple skin popped out, and Toby licked Debbie's face, keeping her from passing-out.

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理查德·希夫扮演的通讯主任托比·齐格勒很古怪,动辄发火,常常在那里喃喃自语。Richard Schiff is fantastic as Toby Ziegler, the prickly, mumbly Communications Director.

没有正当理由的呼吸酒精测试,就是非法搜查,就是侵犯人权。Absent just cause, Toby. The Breathalyzer's an illegal search. It's a civil rights violation.

律所的团队由公司合伙人托比·迈尔森、阿里尔·达科尔鲍姆和斯蒂文·威廉姆斯带领。The firm's team was led by corporate partners Toby Myerson, Ariel Deckelbaum and Steven Williams.