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祝大家周末愉快Have a great weekend.

我的周末很安静。My weekend was quiet.

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你周末过嘚怎么样?How was your weekend ?

这天是个双休日。That day is a weekend.

这个周末怎么样?How about this weekend?

拥有休闲的周末文胸。Get a casual weekend bra.

我是来度周末的。I'm here for the weekend.

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那是周末的事了。That was over the weekend.

牛头狗队这个周末输了球。The Dogs lost last weekend.

牛头狗队这个周末输球了。The Dogs lost last weekend.

这是个令人惊喜的周未。This is a surprise weekend.

我能不能活过周末?Could I survive the weekend?

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他回忆起上个周末。He recollected last weekend.

我下礼拜会去那里。I’m going there next weekend.

我们需要在周末之前得到它。We’ll need it by the weekend.

我在他那里度过了周末。I stayed the weekend with him.

上周末我很小学生作文网。I was very happy last weekend.

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这是我的周末日程表。Thiss is my weekend timetable.

我们是你的广播朋友马可跟文洁。Wen-Jie, how was your weekend?

朱蒂上周末做些什么?What did Judy do last weekend?