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漫长的出差之后,躺在自己家里温暖的床上。The warm coziness of my own bed after I return home from a long business trip.

都说咖啡师苦涩的,而我对于它的最早的记忆却偏偏怀着几分温馨。It was said coffee was bitter, but my earliest memory embraced it with some coziness.

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在男人走向“现代”的同时,他们追求着自己的品味与舒适。While approaching "modern times", they also put more stress on their own taste and coziness.

为了舒适和节能,空调需要调速运行。For the sake of coziness and energy-saving, air-conditioners need running with speed-varying.

这里有一款融入了同样舒适的概念却又增添了些许时尚元素的座椅。Well, here is one for you, enfolding same concept of coziness but with a tincture of modernity in it.

游客能够轻松感受到现代风格的绚丽,同时感受到融入自然中的惬意。The visitors can easily feel the stylish glow and the coziness of being a part of the nature at the same time.

豪华和舒适原来可以同时并存,我爱它的细节和色彩组合,你怎么可以不爱呢?Luxury and coziness can actually co-exist at the same time! I love the details and color combination. How can you hate it?

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出租车以其方便、快捷、安全、舒适的特点,成为城市交通运输体系的重要组成部分。Taxi becomes an important part in the architecture of city traffic because of its convenience, speediness, safety and coziness.

这意味着你不仅找到与时尚似乎还你一定是从舒适度同样保证。This means you are not only found guaranteed with the trendy appears to be but also you are certain from the coziness likewise.

白色的夹板门将幼儿室和起居室隔开,使起居室保持独立舒适,并且风格统一。The white laminated door separates the children room and the living room and allow to keep the coziness and style of the living room.

埃里克1939年去加拿大探亲,但他也不愿安逸地享受生活,5个月后他们全家毅然返津。Eric had his second furlough in 1939, he went to Canada. But he didn't like coziness life, so his family returned to China after 5 months.

司法部和白宫之间空前的亲昵如今只剩下冈萨雷斯一人。The unprecedented coziness that once existed between the Justice Department and the White House now remains solely in the person of Gonzales.

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采用先进的控制系统及减速器,优质的驱动链条和精密的安装工艺,保证产品的运行舒适性。It adopts the advanced control system and decelerator. The superior drive chain and precise installation technology ensure the product running coziness.

而在当时大萧条的美国还有些许温馨,大城市的街景中也能有小城镇的感觉,这些现在都很难重现了。There was a coziness in those glimpses of Depression-era America, a small-town feel even to the big-city streetscapes that can perhaps never be recaptured.

随着经济的发展,人类对于其生活空间的质量要求变得越来越苛刻,因而水路快速运输工具中高速船的舒适性也成为人们关注的问题。With the development of the economics, human beings call for high quality life more and more urgently, thus the coziness of the high speed ship draws humans attention.

霍梅尼及其他领导人抓住国内民众对巴拉维国王亲附西方列强以及暴力镇压、政府腐败等行为的痛恨,号召大家共同行动消灭君主专制。In demanding an end to the monarchy, Khomeini and his associates seized on widespread disgust at the shah's coziness with Western powers and outrage over his oppressive and corrupt behavior.

温暖的色调和光线令人放松,花饰的墙壁、窗帘、沙发,地毯都显得亲切自然,舒适中透着华贵和高雅。The warm tone and soft light make customers relaxed. The wall with flower patterns engraved on, the curtain , sofa and carpet are all genial and noblenss and elegance come out of the coziness.