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她冲托尼发火,因为他没有把这事告诉她。She becomes angry with Tony for not informing her.

写一个40-50字的备忘录,将这一制度告知每个员工。Write a 40-50 word memo informing all staff of the policy.

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不告知买主就对食物掺杂是犯罪。It is a crime to adulterate foods without informing the buyer.

安排运输公司将物料进口回厂。Informing transport company to arrange the cargo back to plant.

她问我为什么没有通知她就去看另一个治疗师。She asked why I had seen another therapist without informing her.

扫描器生成一个报告,告知您所发现的问题。The scanner generates a report informing you of what it discovered.

丽迪雅留了一封短信给弗斯脱太太,把他们两人的意图告诉了她。Lydia left a few lines for his wife, informing her of their intention.

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美国制片商从未告知我们城市,就使用了我们城市的名字。The American producers used the name of our city without informing us.

丽迪雅留了一封短信给弗斯脱太太,把他们两人的意图告诉了她。Lydia left a few lines for his wife, informing her of their intention.

问什么不提交一份新闻稿向公众告知你的新网站呢?Why not submit a press release informing the public about your new site?

电子邮件仍然是将重要事件通知接收者的重要技术。E-mail remains a vital technology for informing recipients of key events.

投标人如变动地址,应书面通知史密斯国际有限公司。Tenderers may change their addresses by informing Smith International Co.

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我刚和收音机对的表。我的表走得很准。I just set my watch by the radio time informing. My watch keeps good time.

谢谢来函告知我方六月2-7日格林先生的来访。Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Green’s visit during June 2-7.

是他妈妈写来的,告诉他一家人要离开前往美国了。It was from his mother, informing him that the family was leaving for America.

如能把这些变化通知相关部门,我们将不胜感激。We will appreciate your informing the appropriate departments of these changes.

建立额外机制以通知公众秘密保护。Establish additional mechanisms for informing the public about privacy protections.

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两者均用来回应讯息告知,并且反映谈话者认知状态的改变。Both are produced in response to an informing and betoken a change of cognitive state.

Casalino说医生应该有明显规则关于通知病人化验结果。Casalino said doctors should have explicit rules for informing patients of test results.

目前仍不清楚南非为何延后向联合国报告此次行动。The reason for South Africa's delay in informing the U. N. of its actions remains unclear.