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这里的海蚀现象很严重。The transgression is very serious here.

求你叫我知道我的过犯与罪愆。make me to know my transgression and my sin.

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有些人会说,罪恶就是违反法规。Somebody may say that sin is the transgression of the law.

凡心�没有诡诈、耶和华不算为有罪的、这人是有福的。Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

对于所有他可能会犯的错误,事实上吸食大麻似乎只是其中一个很小的错误。Of all his potential misdeeds, this seems a minor transgression indeed.

我的过犯被你封在囊中,也缝严了我的罪孽。My transgression is sealed up in a bag, and thou sewest up mine iniquity.

最微不足道的罪行在最超越尘俗的天地里引起回响。The most insignificant transgression reverberated in the most ethereal worlds.

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杨百翰大学有充分的动机只是拍戴维斯对他的罪过的手腕。BYU has every incentive to just slap Davies on the wrist for his transgression.

我不许女人讲道、也不许他辖管男人、只要沉静。And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

尤其首长和官员,是这罪孽的魁首。And the hand of the princes and magistrates hath been first in this transgression.

我的罪孽和罪过有多少呢。求你叫我知道我的过犯与罪愆。How many are mine iniquities and sins? make me to know my transgression and my sin.

我就要用杖责罚他们的过犯,用鞭责罚他们的罪孽。Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes.

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以法律自夸,自己却因违反法律而使天主受侮辱?Thou that makest thy boast of the law, by transgression of the law dishonourest God.

论述二叠纪末生物大灭绝事件后的一次全球性快速海侵。A global rapid transgression after the end-Permian mass extinction is herein discussed.

含铁建造或含铁层位,多产于海进序列的岩石中。Iron formations or iron-bearing strata occurred in the rocks of transgression sequence.

缺乏违法性认识的可能性的证明责任在于被告方。The responsibility of proving deficiency of transgression recognizing is in the appellee.

微体生物分析显示该孔岩芯记录了三个海侵层,分别位于4。Microfossil analysis reveals three transgression layers in the CQJ4 borehole, which are at 4.

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你们当为正义和敬畏而互助,不要为罪恶和横暴而互助。Help each other in righteousness and piety, but do not help each other in sin and transgression.

恶人嘴中的过错,使自己的网罗,但义人必脱离患难。The evil are ensnared by the transgression of their lips, but the righteous escape from trouble.

水进体系域和高位体系域的沉积体系具有继承性。The sedimentary systems in transgression system tract and high stand system tract have inheritance.