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我们不要不公正地贬低她的工作。Let's not devalue her work unjustly.

不公正地贬低任何人的工作都是不公平的。Its unfair to devalue anyones work unjustly.

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在欧元诞生之前,通常的反应会是贬值货币。Pre-euro, the usual response would have been to devalue.

如果一个国家政府希望摆脱债务负担,货币贬值始终都是途径之一。One of the ways a country gets out from under its debt burden is to devalue.

可以让新货币相对欧元浮动,这样欧元就能贬值。The new currency could float against the euro, allowing the euro to devalue.

如果我们特别提升或尊崇某一时间点,就会有忽视或贬低其他时间点的倾向。In elevating or admiring one piece of the past, we tend to ignore and devalue others.

呼吁希腊退出欧元区,恢复旧德拉克马,然后将其贬值的做法是错误的。C alls for Greece to ditch the EU, restore the old drachma, then devalue it are mistaken.

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但欧元区成员身份意味着意大利不能实行本币贬值来缓解出口商压力。But membership in the euro zone means Italy can't devalue to bring some relief to its exporters.

在欧元区内部,不得强制任何一个国家的货币贬值,因为他们的关系是一损皆损,一荣具荣。Inside the euro zone, no one can be forced to devalue because no one has a currency to mark down.

移动或增加锚栓可能改变路线的原貌,让首攀者的努力付之东流。Adding or moving bolts may alter the nature of the climb and devalue the efforts of the first ascent.

Nutt说,政策是“曲解”并“贬低”了科学研究成果,用混淆信息误导民众。Nutt said such policies "distort" and "devalue" research evidence and lead to mixed messages to the public.

包括印度在内的经济增长较快的国家正试图通过降低本币对外币汇率来支持本国出口型经济的发展。Fast-growing nations like Thailand are trying to devalue their exchange rates to bolster their export-driven economies.

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所以单词“冥王星”有了一个新的意义-它后来被定义为“降级或贬低某人或某事。The word "pluto" took on a new meaning with this move — it came to be defined as "to demote or devalue someone or something.

大家都在尽量让他们的货币贬值,因为这样可以减轻债务利息的负担,并且推动价格的上升。Everyone is trying to devalue their currencies because that makes the debt easier to service and that primes the pump on price.

然而,中国拥有该地区增长最快的经济体,而且拒绝使人民币贬值,这阻止了危机的进一步恶化。China, with the regions fastest-growing economy, had kept the crisis from growing even worse by refusing to devalue its currency.

如果你以收取低价格的形式贬低你作品的价值,那么非设计师和潜在客户也会学着贬低我们作品的价值。If you devalue your work by charging such a low rate, then non-designers and potential clients learn to devalue our work as well.

并据此推测中国将贬值其货币,但如果全球需求崩溃,此举效果并不明显。Speculation that China will devalue its currency is rife, but this would have little effect if world demand is simply collapsing.

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伯南克的计划似乎是用巨大的货币扩张来相对黄金地贬值美元,导致名义上的股价将上升。Bernanke's plan seems to be to devalue the dollar against gold with huge monetary expansion, causing nominal equity values to rise.

他们中的许多人的租金控制法域,如果你只是把所有的以外,这将大大贬值家。Many of them are in rent-controlled jurisdictions, and if you just took that all away, it's going to devalue the home significantly.

图书出版商和图书销售商对这场价格战大为愤怒,声称打折销售会使图书贬值,给本行业带来破坏。Outraged book publishers and booksellers are making exaggerated claims about how the discounts will devalue books and wreck the industry.